To sum it up, this was a close friend and the friendship just died down, we had been friends 6 years but we became too different over time especially the past year.
Just one day few weeks ago we were on the phone they hanged up because disagreement and I just never called back. My friend never texted or called again either.

I’m cool with that because I couldn’t see a future in this friendship anymore due to our differences and I was already putting some distance/considering ending the friendship entirely.

However, this friend owes me money.

I want to collect the money but I did ask a few times before the « event » and there was excuses.

So… how do I approach this ? Like the « you owe me XXXX » message ?

I could say just that but then again I do want to be respectful and considerate, while still closing the door to any rekindling of that friendship through.

  1. Set a time to meet in person. Go in person and make it clear you won’t leave without the money. Be ready to be a thorn in their side until you get the money.

  2. “Hey, man. I hope you’re doing well. I know things have cooled between us lately but I’m still going to need the $X.xx you owe me. I’m going to send a request by <app> and I understand if you need to split it into a couple of payments when your paychecks hit, but I’m counting on it by <date> to meet my monthly budget.”

  3. To be honest if it is a small amount I wouldn’t bother, the frustration and effort of *maybe* getting it back will probably outweigh the money. Just drop it and think of it as a sunken cost. But if it’s a big sum I’d very firmly ask for it back, give a due date and be persistent.

  4. Oddly enough, a lot of friendships end when one friend owes the other money. Especially when the loan comes due.

  5. There’s an old saying with the gist that one should know and be prepared to be okay not getting the money that they lended, only then they should lend, knowing fully well it ain’t coming back.

  6. Never give money to friends or family and expect it to be repaid. Consider it gone. If you’re not ok with that or can’t afford that, then you’re not in the position to be helping family or friends financially. It’s ok to say no.

  7. I would just forget about it honestly. Unless the amount was huge and ur broke. Why do you think the friendship can’t be rekindled

  8. Your post inspired me to pay off friends with whom I don’t want to keep a connection. Its vice versa thingy haha but I paid off a debt I have been carrying for years and I have heard petty remarks from a friend whose friendship was toxic af. Anyways your story was very touching.

  9. Put your request in a text message. Don’t delete those messages. When they don’t pay you back, if it’s enough money to bother with, take them to small claims court and get a judgment against them that they will have to pay or it will ruin their credit for at least 7 years.

  10. Fuck the money, it’s about the principle and not the amount. Forget abt it. And im a dude who dont let nobody walk over him. But this is just a weird and lost cause

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