My friend is very kind and always has been. We’re alike and we both find solace in each other because of that. But something that’s always been an issue is that they always interrupt me. And their tangents go on for at least five minutes until I’m able to get ahold of the conversation again. It’s a 50/50 chance on whether or not they’ll say sorry.

For example, I’m trying to tell a story and they’ll interrupt me and even start talking over me. I’ll try to finish my sentence but they’ll continue to talk over me and so I just drop it at that point. And when I think the conversation is coming to a lull I’ll chime in again and it’s almost as if they’re waiting for me to say something to start talking again, which I know isn’t true and that they wouldn’t do that. But I don’t know. What do I do? It makes things weird on my end and I don’t even think they realize that they do it most of the time.

  1. If I were you it would just tell them in a wel mannered way. Not in a group setting but when you are alone (as to not put them on the spot) “Hey man, I may be wrong but I have the feeling that you often interrupt me when i’m talking. Could you chill out with that”?

    If they still do it just say interrupt him “Pardon me, I was talking….” and go on with whatever you were saying.

  2. Is your friend possibly autistic? Interrupting (it’s really that they don’t know when it’s their turn to talk) and long tangents are a couple of traits that autistic people have. It might not be the case at all but I thought I’d mention it.

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