In a relationship, what do you do that is more seen as more traditional, and what do you do that is progressive in terms of gender roles?

  1. Traditional – All things lift-y. Opening doors. Initiating sex. Let her do some of my cleaning (she especially loves cleaning the kitchen)

    Non traditional – She does most of the driving and kills the bugs. I cook way more and more complex meals.

  2. In my most recent relationship, I did pretty much everything aside from make the bed and drive, regardless of gender roles.

  3. My relationship with my wife has been pretty traditional. We’ve been married for 15 years, until just a few years ago she was a stay at home wife/ mom and did almost all of the cooking, cleaning, shopping, that kinda stuff. I’ve always been the “breadwinner,” even now that she’s works, I make significantly more.

    I’ve always done the yard work, but that’s because I’m a little obsessed with lawn care. I do all the work on our cars, but that’s because I know how to.

    On the other side, I guess I do more of the cooking now that she also works.

  4. Traditional – I do most of the DIY/handyman type stuff around the house, I’m the primary earner, I’m the driving force and planner in the relationship, my wife is more of the go with the flow type.

    Progressive – I do most of the grocery shopping and cooking, I’m a very involved dad, I’m not particularly stoic and she’s fine with that

  5. Traditional- Paying for things, fixing things, driving, yard work, grilling, giving kids my last name, general values, etc.

    Progressive- At least a 50/50 dad when it comes to raising the kids, at least 50/50 on cleaning, I do most of the cooking, most of the animal care, we both work, we both take on the planning for the household, etc.

  6. Not in a relationship but I want to be the main earner and the leader. Maybe help with some chores around the house here and there but not be cooking and cleaning because I like to work many hours.

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