I go to the gym sometimes and not really a gym dude I rather play tennis.

  1. not hobbies that I partake in too often anymore but skateboarding and dancing. Even dancing terribly alone to a couple of songs boosts my spirits and helps with cardio. Last and it’s very rare but also basketball. I’m completely terrible at the sport but just shooting around for a bit is fun too

    I’m also “fortunate” enough that my job involves a lot of walking and I average 5-9 miles a day.

  2. Plenty of hobbies, fishing, gaming, ant keeping, designing, vinyl records, restoring old vinyl record players, 3D printing, lasercutting, gardening, volunteering at a thrift store.

  3. You should play tennis then. There is no rule that says that you *have to* go to the gym. If you’re wasting your time in the gym then you should rather do anything else.

  4. I used to hate gym when I was 18 but then I realized, gym gives you physical and mental strength that improves the quality and longevity of your life. It became a habit.

    Outside of gym, I like cycling, going on night rides during summer and listening to music/podcasts while on the move.

  5. Guns, Photography, Driving my car, video games, Honestly gym for me is another chore

  6. I’m a programmer for my job.

    My hobby is also programming.

    I’ve tried to get into other hobbies, but nothing hits the spot like programming for me. Everything else is just too boring, too simple. I need to be 100% mentally engaged or else the dark thoughts come in.

  7. I don’t think I have ever once looked forward to a workout but rarely regret when it’s done.

  8. Music. I play guitar in a 90’s cover band and also play sing and write for a punk style originals band.

  9. Video games, cardio at 5:00 am, I love the gym, but the amount of time wasted till someone finishes their sets, can be used to finish my entire workout routine in 1 hour.

  10. Gaming, d&d, drinking.

    But to be honest parenting takes up 90% of my time when I’m not at work I don’t get time for any of them

  11. Hiking, poker, kayaking, making art, swimming/boogyboarding, eating good food, building stuff, traveling, skiing, learning new things, etc. my hobbies are many and half are physical so they keep me in great shape without having to workout. I could never be a gym guy.

  12. Physical: cycling and airsoft

    Non-physical: gaming, 3d printing/painting, d&d, shooting range

  13. sports-wise? running, tennis sometimes, i’d like to get into volleyball but didn’t find a team yet.

  14. Skiing, gym, video games, reading, hiking. Feels like I have more things I want to do than time i have to do it.

  15. Disclaimer: I’m answering for my boyfriend since he likes browsing Reddit but refuses to actually comment on anything lol

    He likes listening to music, playing board games, playing Dungeons and Dragons, reading, staging silly photoshoots with our stuffed animals, talking to his friends on Discord, and watching movies on Netflix.

  16. You don’t have to go to a gym or be a lift bro to be in shape. All you need is the floor and your own body.

    I spend 1 hour every other day just doing push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers, squats, flutter kicks and jumping jacks.

    But my hobbies are gunsmithing and restoration, archery, woodworking, reading, hiking and walking.

  17. Used to practice taekwondo: black belt, taught classes, annual tournaments. But health issues stopped that.

    Now it’s gaming and drawing. And short walks when the weather cooperates

  18. I go because I feel like I should, but most of my hobbies are nerd stuff. D&d, comics, movies, stuff like that. It’s just something to keep my mind occupied and social needs fulfilled

  19. I had to stop going to the gym because of a long-Covid reaction I am still having. All physical activity is off the table right now, and only limited video games, book, movies, and tv.

    So, currently my hobby is to whittle Harry Potter style wands. I get some poplar wood and use a utility knife to carve them. I also have a used band saw for cutting out the main shape.

    My wife wants me to learn needle point, I might also take a stab at card template weaving, or making wire jewelry.

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