I often see these sightings of UFO’s from America and was wondering if you’re in believe that you could have seen something like this

  1. I have seen things I can’t explain so they would be called a ufo. But that doesn’t mean extraterrestrial. I don’t really believe in that kinda stuff.

  2. A am an avid amateur astronomer, so I spend a lot of time looking up. Have never seen anything that can’t be explained. The weirdest thing was a blinking satellite, which turned out to be a tumbling satellite.

  3. No, I have a physics degree lol. I’d believe in ghosts sooner than I’d believe aliens traversed space to visit us.

  4. I’ve seen a UFO, as in, it was flying and I couldn’t identify it. Probably wasn’t extraterrestrial though.

  5. UFO yes. Extra terrestrial no.

    We saw some outrageous lighting up of the sky while out on the Euraka Dunes in California late at night.

    It turned out to be a ballistic missile interceptor test.

    They launched and ICBM from Hawaii and intercepted it over the California coast but you could see it from the dunes in Death Valley.

  6. I can think of one instance where I thought I saw a huge UFO fly above my house when I was 10, but I don’t know if I actually saw what I thought I did looking back because I was being goofy when it happened, so it was probably my imagination pretending like I saw one. However I know for a fact I experienced paranormal activity in our one house when I was 6-7 years old, I’ve posted about that experience on r/paranormal. No skeptic can ever tell me that shit was natural or just my brain because I wasn’t even asleep for it to have been sleep paralysis or anything when it happened, and I don’t have a history of hallucinations.

  7. Man, as a kid it was so disappointing that the aliens never came for me. Seriously though, I think basically all UFO phenomena is projection of our minds onto things that our minds don’t know how to contextualize or something along those lines.

    There’s a great book called “The Trickster and the Paranormal” a scholarly look at UFOs, Paranormal and other psi phenomena that I recommend people read if they are interested on the topic and want to have a simultaneously grounded and curious minded look at the subject.

  8. A couple. Once was a green square that flew across the sky. Turned out to be a meteorite and the way it burned up made it look square. The other time is middle of the day I look up and see something reflective and rotating. All I can say on that one is that there was quite a few military aircraft in the airspace that day.

  9. I definitely saw a flying object that was unidentified once.

    I’m pretty sure it was a blimp, now that I know what blimps are.

  10. 2 lights in the sky looking like stars.

    Very far away from each other but on a slow collision course.

    They headed straight for each other and just as I expected a flash of light from them crashing into each other…. they both stopped.

    After about 5 seconds, one shifted a little east, the other a little west.

    Then kept going in their original direction.

    This was about 1976 near Fort McMurray AB.

  11. No, but we were driving way out in the desert in the Coconino National Forest(it’s got deserts, it’s got forests, it’s got mountains and mesas) we stopped to take some pictures. All of a sudden a helicopter with a missile/rocket hanging below it came from behind a mesa. It stopped and reversed course and we piled into the rental car and got the hell out of there.

  12. The problems with the phrasing of your question are that it makes two errors that are common in this area of discussion: 1) it assumes that “UFO” = “extraterrestrial” and 2) that “extraterrestrial” means “an alien being or technology created by an alien being.” First, the “U” stands for “*un*identified,” and if something is *un*identified, how would it be identified as extraterrestrial? Second, “extraterrestrial” simply means it did not come from earth or its atmosphere. With regard to the latter, comets and all other planets in our solar system are extraterrestrial, for example.

    Now, have I ever seen something in the sky that I could not identify? Yes. Was it extraterrestrial? I have no way of knowing whether it was or wasn’t, and it doesn’t bother me one way or another.

  13. I saw what looked like a shooting star, or if it was a plane it was moving very fast and not blinking… and it turned 90 degrees, very sharply, not possible of any plane besides a very very capable fighter jet sort of aircraft, and then it vanished a couple seconds later. That was weird.

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