Hello everyone,it’s my first time to share a story on reddit. I’m a 25 year old girl who has graduated college and working my way into the model industry.
But I realized that i always feel inferior of myself and capabilities,people around me always tell me I’m great but I always battles with myself, I easily shy away from responsibilities just because i fear i will lose

Does anyone know how i can build myself esteem?

  1. This is going to be tough as long as you are working in the fashion industry. Because at the core of the industry is making every woman feel bad about themselves and there is always going to be a girl who is younger, prettier, and “the newest look”

    However, combating this belief system is a revolutionary activity.

    The only way to overcome this culture is to create a value for yourself that is separate from your appearance.

    I would suggest that you attack this from multiple fronts :

    I would suggest that counselling is critical to your success. You need to grieve all the places where you were judged because of your appearance, either negative or positive, because they were never seeing the real you.

    How can you make a difference in the world. You need to be actively involved in something that is making the world a better place. You don’t have to fix everything, but you can help to fix something.

    Join toastmasters or train with a coach if you can afford it to get better at public speaking. Your appearance will get you on stages, leverage that to get people to listen to you. Pretty soon, what you have to say will be getting you a lot more attention than how you look, and that will change everything for you.

  2. Be kind to yourself.. Remember you have come this far all on your own.. Fuck what everyone else thinks.. Be the baddest bitch in the room.

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