In my experience, not very common.

All the people in my class ended up breaking things off by college. I only know one couple who maintained their relationship till junior year of college but still didn’t marry.

Asking because I was one of the awkward guys who didn’t have a girlfriend during high school.

  1. Of all the dozens of high school couples I can think of, including myself, only one ended up getting married (and lasting). And hell, even they broke up during college, they just happened to reconnect a couple years later when they were both living in their hometown again.

  2. I would have to agree that it’s not common. One of my college roomies always said that he was going to marry his high school sweetheart. Dude ended up cheating on said gf with an exchange student. They did not get married…

  3. Woman here, I married my high school sweetheart, had 3 kids with him and then he left me for another girl we went to school with 🤣

    He had 2 kids with her and left her too and now he’s not with anyone from our school and they been married 10 years so I guess that one is working out better.

    I know a couple from my school that are still together, she actually became a teacher and taught my son in high school so it was interesting getting life updates about how her and her now husband are doing all these years later from my son.

    I know another who are still together but just ended up in the local news paper for both being arrested for robbing a building together, she was a super smart sweet girl and I think he had a very negative impact on her.

    What I will say is in high school, the love can be very real, very innocent and very true but those people haven’t had life experiences shape them yet and people will change more over their twenties and the people they become might be totally different. I’m not talking about small character flaws, but huge things that can wreck a relationship like drug and alcohol issues, criminal behavior, cheating… People become different than they are at 16 when they enter the real world and work with adults older than them that have influence over them different than high school peers and while some make it through, it’s a challenging road for many imo

  4. I’ve only known a two couples who did this. One is divorced. The other is hanging in there, but things were pretty rough for a while. Marrying someone because you were compatible as teenagers is not a good move. Personally, I don’t think anyone should get married before their 30s. People younger than that change too much too fast.

  5. Two couples married. And to my knowledge no other HS couples are still together.

    Most broke up the first year after HS as many went to university/college and then there’s the added aspect of no longer seeing your partner every day by convenience either

  6. Highly uncommon.

    I am married to my HS sweetheart. In my circle of friends/family/relations, I know one other HS-couple who married and are still together and, THE GOATS, one couple that has been together *since 7th grade*.

    Life’s hard. And varied.

  7. Extremely uncommon. With that being said, I’ve been married to mine 21 years. Was it always easy? No. But we’ve grown well together. Wouldn’t trade her for the world.

  8. I was with my ex wife from 16-29. By the time we were hitting our 30’s it turns out we just really wanted very different things. Now im in my mid 30’s and We are still great friends till this day that we talk daily. I will always consider her my best friend and wish her the very best in life.

  9. In my (23M, C/O 2018) high school, there are two couples that I know of that lasted, out of probably a hundred that I knew of, including mine.

    One had dated for his freshman/her sophomore year through his senior year, broke up when she went to college, and then started dating again when he went to the same school as her. They got married about 6 months ago.

    The other has been together since the summer before our 7th grade year. They’re probably the most compatible couple I’ve ever seen in my life. They got married about a year ago after graduating college together.

    My almost 4 year high school relationship fell apart right before she started college (I was a year older than her, did long distance my freshman year of college). She wanted “freedom”, I had just bought a ring. Looking back, suuuuuper glad I didn’t end up marrying her. Hindsight is always 20/20 I guess.

  10. I have a cluster of friends we all married our high school sweethearts. 5 couples including one that had been together since middle school. Grew up in California and really the key is that we all went to UC/CSUs that are close to the partner. A Berkeley pair. UCSD/SDSU. Stanford/SJSU. Davis/Sac State. A UCLA pair. No real long distance relationships. All of those didn’t make it.

    Far as I know we are the only people from our graduating class of about 500 to marry and stay married over 20 years later.

  11. There’s usually one or two from each graduating class (we had ~500 kids per year graduating, so maybe a 0.5-1% chance)?

    Then there’s a much higher likelihood of marrying a long term SO from college

  12. It’s not common at all and that’s a good thing. The vast majority of high school relationships should stay in high school.

    And I say this as someone who everyone thought was gonna marry their high school sweetheart and didn’t, and know a high school sweetheart couple who got married and is still together 20 years after high school.

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