
During my first sexual experience with my gf, I faced difficulty in getting an erection. However, when we attempted a second time, I was able to achieve an erection and engage in penetration. Nonetheless, I noticed a diminished sensation, merely experiencing a sensation of weight in that region. Is this feeling normal for the first time?
Could this be attributed to my familiarity with masturbation, causing my penis to be accustomed to manual stimulation? Is this a common occurrence? Furthermore, does the use of lubrication offer assistance? If so, kindly elucidate the proper usage for both applying it to the penis (when using a condom) and to the vagina.
Additionally, I encountered minor difficulties in achieving and sustaining an erection during sex, despite being fully functional when imagining scenarios or watching explicit content. To be honest, my erections are extremely firm while viewing pornography and with a certain degree of physical stimulation. Could you kindly provide any suggestions or tips for attaining and maintaining an erection more easily in real-life situations?

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