I genuinely do not know, I would assume you should talk to her first but I’m talking about a scenario where you just met this person maybe she is a waitress or she is just at a public place of somewhere hanging out with freinds.

Im 23, never dated, very lonely, depressed,
And need help, thanks 👍

Edit: I was not expecting that my comment on politely asking out waitresses would get such an overwhelming response. I have now learned to never do that

  1. No, it is not socially acceptable, and worse, has very little chance of success.

    If you feel you have to approach a complete stranger, give her your number.

  2. To be honest probably not. Dating apps are a safer bet because those people actually want to be asked on a date. If you don’t like that option I’d recommend trying to date through mutual friends. I had terrible luck on dating apps and women were never into me when I was out on the town. I’m 24M and both of the serious relationships I’ve had in my life began with being introduced by mutual friends. Albeit, the friends who introduced to my former girlfriends were women who spoke highly of me. If you’re not platonically friends with any girls I might recommend starting there.

  3. Do NOT hit on people while they’re working, especially those who are total strangers.

  4. Yes, it’s socially acceptable depending on the setting and location. At a place that involves your hobby or is your hobby? Socially acceptable. While she’s at work? Depends again. If you see her quite often at work and have already had conversations with her, then yes, socially acceptable.

  5. Yes. Go for it. Most don’t and you’ll stick out for doing so. What’s the worst that’ll happen? Some chick on the street calls you a creep for approaching her? Pffft who gives a shit. Keep it moving. You being depressed is a bad sign though, your energy and tone could be off when approaching and you might struggle finding success just off that

  6. It’s perfectly fine to make a total stranger attracted to you. Once that has been established and she shows interest, then it’s ok to talk to her. After talking and she’s showing interest, it’s ok to ask her out.

  7. Please don’t ask out service workers. We’re being nice because we have to. I’m nice to people and really smiley at my job, but I am in no way attracted to any of them. If you want to, strike up a conversation and build a rapport, ask if you can give her your number and leave the ball in HER court.

  8. Don’t ask someone out on the job dince they’re often busy, stressed, and don’t have the time to really consider it. Leave them a note with your number if you really want to give it a shot, that way it’s not public and she can handle it on her own time. Just be prepared for radio silence most of the time.

    But in answer to the main question. It’s only appropriate to do so if you’re hot/rich enough (Top 10%). Otherwise, forget it.

  9. The first thing to do is to introduce yourself, and get acquainted, asking a total stranger out , in retrospect is not good common sense , let her know you find her attractive, ask for her number and if you could call her

  10. Yes I’m a respectable way think—

    In a bar or while at costa yes

    With her children at the doctors office no

    While she’s in line at a store – ok

    While it’s dark and late and waiting for a bus no

    At work NO

  11. I’m curious to know how you all think people met before social media and the internet????

  12. It’s acceptable as long as you back off right away if she declines.

    But it’s probably not going to result in a positive outcome for you. Most women are not going to say yes to some strange guy who approaches her in public and asks for a date. Part of this is not knowing your personality and part of this is fears for personal safety.

    You are going to have better luck asking out women after you’ve had a decent conversation with them. You should also try to make more friends and be more socially active.

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