I often get very anxious when I ask a question in class in uni but I still try to when needed, one time I asked a question to the teacher, there was another person involved in the matter and they were like “I don’t understand what you mean” which is not a big deal I just needed to explain my question again right?
my tongue got tied up and my heart started beating in my throat
I could not utter a word anymore
I simply couldn’t
the teacher looked at me, we exchanged looks, and right away he went “I think what she means is…”
the whole situation didn’t feel awkward and the class went on, he saved me from what I would have felt embarrassed about for weeks later and possibly would have stopped me from asking questions anymore.

1 comment
  1. Oh man, I know that feeling of anxiety when speaking up in class. It can be tough when someone doesn’t understand your question and it makes you stumble. But hey, it happens to all of us! Good on the teacher for stepping in and helping out. Sounds like they understood what you were trying to say and saved you from feeling embarrassed. Don’t let this stop you from asking more questions in the future, alright? Keep that curiosity alive!

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