Seemed like this guy was into me but then he abruptly stopped responding as much. Just days prior, he was texting me constantly then all of a sudden, he went down to just a few responses then the next day, nothing.

I’m aware that it prob means he doesn’t like me.

But I’m curious if guys have actually done this to a girl they liked?

  1. So the question you’re asking isn’t your actual question. What you really want to know is why this man ghosted you and sadly we have no clue.

  2. Not on purpose.

    If I am the one that has to keep the conversation going (ask questions, try to work with hard to follow up answers) and always have to start them, I will however start to match the energy I receive which sometimes ends in a similar spot.

  3. Sorry to hear.

    Is it just texting so far?

    It’s really hard for us men to form an emotional connection with someone without the physical portion. It doesn’t have to be intimacy but it does have to be in the real, like a date or an activity. Texting can help after a date but not before.

    Push for a meeting in person if you feel like you are losing the connection.

  4. Ghosting is what happens, don’t feel bad about. You guys weren’t meant to be and just take it on the chin.

  5. Are you texting him back regularly? I was interested in a girl and we hit it off in the first few day on the dating app. Then I realized it was always me initiating the conversation. After while I matched with a different girl and started talking to her who was showing more interest.

  6. No. If he’s tried to show you attention and you didn’t return it he’s probably moved on.

  7. No, not me anyways. If the texts became dry and the energy wasn’t matched I genuinely think that 99.9 percent of the time I think they lose interest after the 5th day of saying “hope all is going well” 🤣😅

  8. Yeah for sure we do. If a girl doesnt match my effort, im gone. Theres plenty of other women out there

  9. Laura, is that you?

    Of course, we do. It’s the subtle letdown.

    But we get busy, and have other priorities, and we can see behavior as an ick.


    Let’s say I stop responding much because I am genuinely busy.

    Then you start bombarding me.

    “You there?”, “What are you doing?”, “Did I do something?”, “Are you relaxing?”

    It starts to look really needy and anxious. An offputting behavior.

  10. For me there was usually more than one woman in the mix. By hanging out you will begin to get an idea with whom it’s just fun / incompatible or has a future.

    So mainly I just found someone I click with better. I think it’s usually a slow drain of contact with that person until it just stops.

  11. He’s probably talking to several women putting feelers out there and decided to pursue another connection.

  12. Yep, even in IRL.

    Asked her if she wanted to chat some more sometime, she went quiet, a bit funny and I didn’t get an answer. *shrug*

    Din’t hang around and I ain’t going to be asking again so I have just been avoiding her since.

  13. I would disengage with people who do not carry good conversations and I would have to do all the work in keeping it going, making plans, etc. Not sure if this was your case.

  14. I would if her replies seem like she’s not that invested (short answers and/or no reciprocating questions back), or if she seems needy.

    For all that girls say that men “don’t get it” when it comes to women, there’s just as much that they “don’t get” about guys. For some reason there’s STILL this rediculous narrative that men “like the chase” and/or “like it when she plays hard-to-get.”

    No. Guy. EVER. Actually enjoys having to plan every detail of every date, constantly re-initiate conversations that keep dying down etc. We’ll do it but only for so long before we start to feel like pathetic chumps wasting time metaphorically prancing about like an idiot. I’ve ghosted girls that I was really, really into for that reason more times than I care to remember.

    In other cases they just find someone else they’re more excited about and drop you. Sucks but it happens to us too, often with no explanation. Sometimes a girl will tell me they met someone they want to get to know more. I actually appreciate that even though it sucks bc at least then I get closure.

  15. I have temporarily muted someone on IG I liked, after rejection…and then unmuted once I got over over and could continue to just enjoy her content. To be clear, there was a two way communication, and she also seemed into me…but when I shot my shot, I was shot down. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  16. They can, just like women do from time to time too.

    There was a guy where we both seem to fall off after a day or two, then one of us would pop up a month later. We were on the same page on trying a bit harder the last time and actually kept consistent communication for a bit till he decided to ghost mid-conversation. I sent two follow-up texts that confirmed it.

    Talking was easy for us and we liked each other to my understanding. I think life just happens and priorities shift, and that doesn’t always get communicated.

  17. Did you text him and he hasn’t responded in days?

    Or did you just wait for him to contact you, instead of contacting him?

    Eventually it’s hard to always be the one making the effort.

  18. I have but only because I have anxiety. I used to be really good at hiding it but if anyone spent enough time around me they’d eventually notice. Thankfully my anti anxiety meds are working perfectly so I no longer have that problem

  19. I think it’s not about the attraction, it’s about comfort. Most of the times i ghost a girl it’s usually because I don’t feel comfortable or confident around her. And yeah, if u r not an interesting person I will ghost ur boring ass.

  20. He was seeing another girl at the same time and she’s putting out now. You were the backup plan.

  21. Maybe there’s a red flag he just isn’t comfortable mentioning or feels it isn’t appropriate to discuss yet so he decides to quit while he’s ahead.

  22. I had a thing where the woman lived an 8 minute drive away but only ever wanted to talk on the phone. I did like her (or what I knew of her anyway) but I started to feel like she was just stringing me along for emotional support and never intended to give me a chance to prove myself as a good potential partner. I sent a message explaining that if she lived 8 minutes away but couldn’t make time to see me in a 3 week window, even for a short walk, she was wasting my time. I then blocked her on everything.

  23. Usually, it is because there are multiple options and you’re in the running, but there is someone a little higher up, and if that starts being successful, they don’t want to officially end it with you, just in case, but they’re pursuing the other person.

  24. Most guys, not all but most when they get that you’re usually one of their options and when they ghost you they have solidified it down to 1 girl and unfortunately you weren’t that girl

  25. yes.

    Sometimes the girl I like would make the first move. At that moment idk how to process it. I can count several instances this happened and it throws me off every single time.

    In most cases I may like someone but I’m not ready. In fear I would ghost because it was poor timing and I’m an emotional wreck then. It was a me issue.

  26. I think so, if they have some attachment issues. The guy I went for before my boyfriend now we got on so well for like 2 months and then he went quiet. We were both putting effort in so it wasn’t me being dry. I eventually had enough and broke it off and then found my current boyfriend. The other guy regretted what he did and reached out but it was too late.

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