TL;DR: My girlfriend seems to be having mental health issues related to extreme anxiety. She has an unstable relationship with her father. I’m worried it may affect me.

My girlfriend has been going through some difficult times recently. A little while ago she blocked me out of nowhere because she said she wasn’t feeling worthy of me and did not want to be a mistake for me. Less than a day later she added me back. I set boundaries and told her I wouldn’t tolerate her blocking me again. I tried to get to the root cause of the blocking, but I couldn’t. All I could get was that she was feeling extremely sad and anxious. I tried to be supportive and emotionally avaliable for her to share with me more about what is wrong.

I found out that she is having some panic attacks related to anxiety. Her anxiety gets so bad that she throws up and gets extremely nervous before triggering events. She also suffers from very strong migraines. According to her she has really high cortisol levels (45).

I also found out that she is self medicating with clonazepam (no idea where she is getting it from). She says that when she is very anxious it calms her down and allows her to sleep and have a good day the next day. She is taking one per day. Yesterday she didn’t take one and today she had a panic attack and sent me a bunch of messages crying. She got into an argument with her father over a buisness she is trying to start.

Her relationship with her father isn’t good. She said he is highly critical of her and very unstable, she doesn’t know when he is going to go off on her. I think this might be related to her anxiety. She is very sensitive to his criticism, it literally makes or breaks her days.

I am not feeling optimistic about our relationship. My last relationship was with someone that had BPD and it was devastating. It literally took me about 4 years to be able to date again. Now after I finally find someone I’m genuinely interrested in, this happens. At least I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have BPD. But, I have no idea what her diagnosis is. She has been in metal health therapy before, she said they didn’t give her a clear diagnosis it was more of talk therapy. She said it did help. Her therapist retired.

What should I do? I want to help her, I care deeply about her. But, I don’t think I can deal with an emotionally unstable person again.

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