Hypothetically, if you died and your spouse and best friend became romantically involved after your passing, how would you feel? Assuming of course you could still watch over earth.

  1. Confused…. Last I checked he didn’t swing that way but my bestie is gorgeous sooo it checks out. Though bestie has expressed lack of interest. But honestly I don’t care. I don’t particularly care if he sleeps with someone else while I’m alive why would I care if the two people I love the most find comfort in each other after I die.

  2. Surprised lol. They have **polar** opposite lifestyles, interests, and opinions on sex, sooooo yeah, definitely surprised and bewildered.

  3. I’d feel great and want them to be happy together as long as it didn’t start when I was alive.

  4. That would weird me out. How long have they been eyeing each other? Doubtful it was only AFTER I’d died.

  5. I think her husband would probably be pissed but I would be dead, so it wouldn’t be my problem. Honestly, this may not be the popular opinion, but if I died tomorrow and he started dating one of my best friends, mazel! Is it weird? Sure. Do I think any of my friends are pining after him currently, doubtful. Do I have any claim over him in death? Nope. He has the right to move on with his life and find joy. We don’t have any children, so that’s not a factor. People fall in love and sometimes are bonded in grief. Now, one would hope nobody leaves their current spouses to go off and date my husband after I die… but again, I’m dead. It’s not my problem.

  6. They’re both straight men but they are old friends. I would be surprised but happy for them I think?

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