Seriously, I feel like everytime I get into a conversation with someone I say the most embarrassing and foolish things possible?

This is usually in settings where I am one on one with someone, basically either of us start talking… it goes well – everything is fine until I say something, that’s all I can refer to it as because I genuinely cannot pin point what it is but their face kinda falters and the conversation just dies?

I feel like I’m going crazy or something, this especially happens with my male peers in real life. I genuinely stopped trying to start conversations with them now as it never ends up good.

The few times it does, it’s because they laugh at a joke or something I make. People say I’m funny, that’s my label in most groups and I used to embrace until once day I sat down and I realised *I don’t even know what they’re laughing at?*… is this a classic case of they’re laughing *at you* and *not with you*?!

To add to that, I feel like I genuinely dumb myself down talking to people – as in I act like I’m not familiar with a topic in order to get more out of the conversation or rather I lie and say I am familiar with it and it sorta both times back fires on me because it ends up being more of a one sided, me listening the entire time kinda debacle..

Does anyone else feel like this? Has anyone else experienced anything similar? I’ve tried to explain it to my closer friends but I feel like they’ve all been around me so long that I don’t have to lie nor sorta build a shield so they don’t “see” what I mean…

1 comment
  1. 100% feel like this. I get called funny without intentionally doing anything funny often. I think it may be something to do with my naturally emotionless expression and what I say combined with that may come across as sarcastic or something. That’s the most logical thing I can think of, but I always feel like I’m just stupid and I did something stupid to make them laugh. I also find it easier to keep a conversation going if I pretend like I don’t already know what the person is talking about. Even if it makes me feel stupid to dumb my self down, it makes the other person feel smart and probably boosts their ego enough to keep the convo going.

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