What are some signs that someone has no self respect?

  1. Tolerating bad treatment from others, begging and pleading for affection, self deprecation among others

  2. They have zero boundaries. They are okay with talked down too, yelled at, cheated on, etc

  3. They’re in congress due to talents in demagoguery, but they can’t craft any useful policy.

  4. Hanging around a girl hoping someday she’ll see him in a new light and realize that what she’s looking for was under her nose the whole time

  5. Spending lots of time with or being intimate with people who don’t actually care about them.

    Inability to say no.

    Doesn’t look after their body

  6. The woman who has sex without getting commitment from the man.

    The man who gives his attention, time and money to a woman without getting anything in return.

  7. They gossip about others you know. Which means they gossip about you behind your back too.

  8. Usually when they tell you they are happy with themselves overtly. Often unattractive people have no self respect. It becomes more apparent when you look at sloppy parents and dog owners that let them be nuisances to everyone else. It secretly gives them pleasure knowing that at least the snickering remarks made by others counts as attention.

    Drama s a sign of someone with no self-respect. Good looking people are better. Another one you may notice is people who were good looking due to being young, losing their shit when they hit their early to mid twenties. I dated a girl that I thought was good looking before, but she started changing drastically and ended up being a miserable drama queen. You see the relationship here between good looks and self respect?

  9. Provided they have the means to be clean and hygienic, a complete lack of personal hygiene or awareness of how other people react to it is a strong sign of no self respect.

  10. They run into stores and loot.. do not respect their elders. Use foul language in front of children

  11. They treat themselves poorly, make bad choices that negatively impacts them, do not exercise and abuses drugs/alcohol or any substances that makes them develop bad health and rapidly accelerates their biological ageing.

    They also view themselves as a victim, always placing blame on others and avoiding responsibility for their own actions.

    They exploit themselves for money and use that money to fuel more bad choices that negatively impacts them.

    They have shallow friendships with everyone based around exploitation and unable to form deeper connections with others that is not based on a transactional need.

    This is why many men who work in finance often get burned out in their careers. They realise the money doesn’t justify how they live and it doesn’t make them happy.

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