Sigh 😔 I’ve already asked for advice & nobody answered. Can you please PLEASE PLEASE help me?

I have people looking after me while I recover from an injury. They are from a different country & culture that I DO like & I do know things about but dare I say it where I think it’s considered OK to ask quite personal questions that I happen to find painful to answer.

Things like: “Are you married/or are you single?”

“Who else lives in this house?”

I have flatmates, a concept not known in their country but frankly it’s none of their business the relationship the other people there have to me.

“Do you work?” Or “When are you going back to work?”

I basically lost my job over this injury & work’s another painful subject for me.

How in a polite way do I stop this?

Because there’s more than one person I get asked over and over again.

This is social skills too, can you help me please?

1 comment
  1. “Sorry, I don’t feel like talking about my personal life.”

    “Sorry, I’m not comfortable answering personal questions.”

    “This is a complicated subject for me and I prefer not to talk about it.”

    You can keep your tone of voice friendly and neutral, if you want to soften the blow from refusing to answer. But I mean, unless you let them know their questions are not welcome, there’s no way to make them stop asking.

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