I’ve recently started getting sexually active and the idea of condoms isn’t really for me. I’ve done some research on birth controls and decided that a Copper IUD is the best option Does anyone have experience with it and if yea how good is it

  1. Copper IUD’s have a reputation for being quite harsh to get used to. To the point where some women literally cannot get used to it.

    But others claim that they more or less forget that it’s there, so the experience with it is definitely widely different for different women.

    IUD’s – hormonal as well as copper – have a discomfort period for the simple reason that your body will get a bit upset about having something put in there that ain’t supposed to be there. Some women also have more severe, or more painful, menstrual bleeding because of the IUD.

    Others claim that menstruation is less of a deal with one than without.

    So…in the absolute best of worlds you’d get less menstrual discomfort and never notice that it’s there.

    Worst case, you’ll bleed a bit more or less constantly for several months and be constantly acutely aware that there is something in there that your body is upset about.

    Which situation you will be in is going to be impossible to predict. It’s testing it and evaluating if it’s worth it that is the only way to go with it. I’m a guy, and I may have just given the impression that I take this decision lightly, I don’t; it’s just that there is no other way to look at it than “some think it’s worth it, others hate them.”

  2. I wanted to get the copper IUD but then switched to the Mirena last minute. I got my period and just could not besr the thought of having more painful and heavier periods every month. Regardless of which one you choose though, be prepared to possibly have a horrendous first few days and sucky first few months. I always thought the insertion was the bad part, and for some women it is, for me it was just a bad period crampm that immediately went away again. But holy shit a few hours later the cramps hit. And they stayed terrible for a full week. Terrible as in i was curled up in bed on painkillers unable to even distract myself with my phone. I started getting stomach cramps and an irritated eosophagus from taking too much ibuprofen. I seriously considered getting it taken out again because i didn’t know if i could handle it. Made me really mad that this crap is put on women too. So really really think about if you’re prepared to possibly handle pain like that. You might also be lucky and not get cramps, my cousin didn’t for example.

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