Tldr: MERS and I had falling out. What is the best way to make sure she’s still ok?

About a week ago me (19m) and my friend MERS (19f) had a falling out.
We had an argument followed by another argument 2 days later which led to her saying she needed some space and blocking me.
We haven’t spoken in about a week and we used to speak everyday multiple times a day so I’m guessing it’s over.

She doesn’t have a lot of friends (I think just myself and 2 others) and we were quite close so I want to make sure she’s alright and has other friends to talk to.
Should I ask our mutual friend (Ebola – 19f) to talk to MERS and see how she’s doing and tell her to chat with MERS more often?
Not to report back to me or anything but just to make sure MERS has someone to talk to and to make sure she socialises.

Bonus: How would I phrase my message?

I was thinking:

“Hi Ebola, how’s it going? (Followed by random catching up]
Actually, can you do me a favour. MERS and I had an argument a week ago and we haven’t spoken since.
When’s the last time you spoke to MERS?
Can you talk to her and see how she’s doing and chat to her more often.
Just want to make sure she’s alright.
You don’t need to lmk what she says.”

1 comment
  1. Why would you need to check up on her? Or to make sure she socialises? That sounds a bit overprotective/possessive?

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