One of the laws that I was considering getting passed in politics is trying to pass a law that mass shooters would receive the death penalty. However when I grew up the high school and college I went to were two completely different realities.

In the public high school I went to fights broke out all the time, there was chaos in the classroom, the teachers were harsh and out of line. That high school literally destroyed my whole high school experience and I deeply regret every going there as it came to be the worst decision of my life.

Then the private college I went to was very different. The students there were more well behaved, most of the teachers were way better. My experience was completely different. I had two completely different experiences from high school and college.

What I am saying is that I am really only am trying to pass this law to help the type of people I went to college with. That is where the success in the law would come from me. The success would not come from passing the law to help a place where I deeply regret going to.

I am not saying that my former high school doesn’t deserve to be protected or helped from mass shooters. However what I am saying is that I am bothered by the idea that the law that I am creating is not just going to go to the type of people and places I want them to it is going to go for everyone even places that I personally dislike and ruined my high school experience.

Do you think I should still attempt to pass this law or just forget about trying to pass this law since it will go to everyone and just focus on mass shooters receiving the death penalty on a case by case basis?

  1. Don’t they usually kill themselves anyway…? I can’t imagine any of them having a fear of death anyway. Not much of a deterrent.

  2. So you’re struggling with the decision that you don’t want to propose a law that will help people you like because it would also help the type of people you personally dislike?

    Sounds like a politician for sure.

  3. You’re concerned about whether you should pass a certain law if you happen to someday somehow become a politician?

    Delusional king honestly

  4. To me it is simple, if you are a threat to random people it is life for you. Whether that means the death penalty or you gotta work your ass off till you die, dont care.

    Focusing on school shooters just scream virtue signaling to me. Maybe not intentionally, but seems like you saw a report online about school shooting and started caring about it. Most people wouldnt realize it and love you for it, and not consider why only that one thing. It is a unnecessary qualifier. Like, if someone shoot ups a party would that law apply? Know what i mean?

    The later part of your post is also weird. Do you care about shootings or not? Or does it depends on who the people shot were?

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