We all know about the girls who never pay for drinks and basically get awards for existing. However, when I think about it beyond the standard “halo effect” stuff, I don’t think an analogue exists for guys (I’m not talking the <0.001% unicorn types).

Does it exist? If so, what does it look like? What are the benefits?

  1. Flirting with women. If you are attractive then higher chance it’s well received via being a creep. If you are also an asshole they will be defended.

    It’s very similar to privilege of many types. The benefits are all invisible, especially to the holder. They just think everyone is nice. Or that the opportunities they have are ones everyone has.

    They get away with stuff other people wouldn’t.

  2. Yes, men have pretty privilege. Yes, its different then women.

    For women society associates WAY more of their value based on how attractive they are. Attractive women just get treated way better across the board by everyone, except other women in certain situations. For guys it impacts us but not to the same extreme.

    A specific example was at a local pub in my city.

    I went with a group of friends. One was a shorter, heavier guy who still dressed like he was in high school. This guy has been having constant problem meeting women in the dating world for over a decade now. He tried to politely chat with two girls at the bar when he was ordering a beer and they straight up asked him “if he seriously thought he had a chance” then ended up calling him a creep in the end.

    I went up awhile later to get myself another drink and they were both super friendly to me, I didn’t even initiate the conversation. The only difference is I’m 6ft, fit and mixed Asian/white.

  3. I mean I’m tall, have green eyes, fit, my beard connects and bi lingual. I don’t know if I qualify but literally everywhere I go I get free shit, people want to connect with me, women approach me and ask me for my number, my work will send me out to things cause I represent us well.

    It certainly exists for guys. To me I think, plus all my brothers are attractive and we all get special attention. Bartenders will give us free drinks when we go out, oh and the women in girls that I date fall all over me n things.

  4. guys definitely experience it, just not in the same way that women do.

    attractive men are more likely to get approached by women over unattractive men, and if not approached, given a chance to shoot their shot in a bar or club, etc.

    attractive men are also more likely to get promotions at work and be thought of as more competent and trustworthy than their unattractive peers.

    they might not get free drinks, but they’ll still reap some benefits of pretty privilege.

  5. All of the other examples listed but just wanted to add – dating sites. Attractive men are playing a completely different game with a different set of rules.

  6. I’m a tall, reasonably handsome, non-threatening man and I’m pretty sure I owe my entire life to my height. People listen when I speak, I am assumed to be competent no matter the situation, nobody ever treats me poorly in any sort of way at all. And I hope this doesn’t come across as bragging, I don’t mean for it to, but I’ve had a ton of things handed to me just for being me. I am privileged af.

  7. For men, it doesn’t bring material things, it brings things that make your life easier. People believe you more easily, respect you upon first glance, etc. Its very powerful. You can get superficial things with pretty privilege as a woman. As a male with it, you can open doors to lifelong benefits that far exceed what women can achieve with their privilege. Its just a lot more rare for men is all.

  8. I’ve never in my life felt the need to grip a bottle of mace on my walk home… I don’t feel jealous at all about women occasionally getting a free drink.

  9. It’s helped in my career.

    Women tend to prefer to deal with men they find attractive. Because of this some of my best long term clients are women who sought me out because they consider me good looking.

  10. Good looking men can get away with behaviour that ugly men would be called “creepy” over.

    Dating is much easier as women are much more receptive and will often make the first move.

    You can interact with children without people thinking you’re going to drag them into a white van.

  11. If anyone is complaining about a good someone has in life, they need to do a self check.

  12. Nervousness.
    Being nervous and considered ugly will have women think your suspicious and dangerous.
    Being nervous and considered hot will have women think you are the “hard to get” type and good in bed.

  13. It’s much easier to get a job. It’s also a lot easier to be confident if you are fit and good looking, and that confidence helps brings success everywhere you go.

  14. In essence: attractive guy hits on a woman = flirty and confident.
    Non attractive guy hits on a woman = creepy virgin who will die alone

  15. My “pretty privilege” comes in the form of me not getting the run around at places like dealerships, mechanic shops, or hardware stores like women tend to experience. I never get a air filter thrown in my face and pressured to drain and replace every fluid my car has. I never get asked “are you sure you can handle a truck that big?” And I never get asked if I’m building some sort of art project or craft if I’m looking for certain tools or building materials.

    It’s not much but, hey, I’ll take it.

  16. I’ve been been buff, I’ve been obese. Let me tell you, I get treated way better by strangers. I once had prospect ask me ‘if I have 3 equally qualified applicants, why would I hire the fat one? Didn’t get the client

  17. I’m a white dude, my wife is a woman of color. Being around her and witnessing the kind of flack she catches even with me present that I just never have to deal with really opened up my eyes to what white male privilege actually is. I can go for a walk out in the pitch dark and have a much better chance of nothing happening to me just because of my gender and ethnicity.

    Her and I had identical credit and she wanted to get a car at a shop. They turned her down for the car she wanted and tried to pitch a POS on her instead. The moment my white male ass offered to cosign? It was like the gates of heaven opened for her, they threw out half the paperwork and arduous questions they were asking and fast-tracked her right to the car she’d wanted in the first place….we had identical credit. The nearest I could tell was my white male ass had given her ‘permission’ to have the more fair deal in the eyes of the dealership. Bunch of fuckers.

    They had a little gong they rang when a car sale was closed. We’d repeatedly said it was to be *her* car. She was putting her name on the title, she was making the payments. When the sale closed? They handed *me* the mallet for the gong and acted like she didn’t fucking exist. Man I was pissed. I gave the mallet to her and she gave me a look that said “I know your pissed, let it go, this is a good car for me at a good price, we can vent about it later” and I bit my tongue. Barely.

    A Hispanic lady at a diversity seminar said that in general white/other privileged groups/classes can’t really *begin* to fathom the kind of crap minorities and the poor have to deal with every *day* unless they marry someone from that group. After that day? I had to agree with her. It seriously opened my eyes to a whole world I’d been fortunate enough to never have to deal with, and boy did it make me mad (and ashamed) to realize it.

  18. While there is an advantage in interactions with women by being pretty, more generally, If you are tall and powerfully built you tend to start every interaction with a modicum of respect. You are more noticeable. People listen to you more. You get paid more too.

  19. I used to be overweight and hid myself behind oversized hoodies and generally didn’t dress really wel, i was always clean and friendly, i just looked like a slob both physically and clothes wise.

    I lost a bunch of weight and had to replace my whole wardrobe and when i did i replaced it all with well fitting shirts, polo’s, sweaters, decent well fitting jeans and mostly dress shoes. No expensive brands, just well fitting quaility clothes

    I feel good in those clothes and wear them with confidence.


    The way strangers treat you is night and day difference, men and women in service jobs/stores will go out of their way to help you, i get welcomed with a smile.
    It’s hard to explain but i notice women are friendlyer in general, not necesarily in a sexual or flirting way, but i used to be ignored or met with a stoic face, where now i’ll be greeted with a smile, it seems i have become a lot more approachable.


    Now i would in no way describe myself as pretty, i’m bald, i’m not athletic allthough no longer a fat fuck, but making the switch to being well dressed and gain confidence through that has been night and day difference.

  20. I’m 6’4 and if I’m in a suit I’m a 9. I can be way more forward when dressed like that and you can watch the dreamy look get into a chicks eyes. You can say some really forward risqué shit and you get giggles along with “You’re so bad!” I’ve legit went to see what I could say and get away with.
    Pretty much anything.

    If Im dressed in nicer stuff besides a suit, it still works. It’s also worked out for a homie or 2 that’s with me because I can convince her to tell her girl(s) to talk to them. The whole team eats. Even if I wasn’t interested in any of the girls at a spot but the homies were, I’d talk to the ugliest one so her girls would be like “Damn, I got to help her out and keep his friends occupied.” The homies ride out with them and I’d say something lioe about having to go to the bathroom, and slip out.

    I get treated different in more ways than that if I’m dressed properly.
    If I’m in timbs and a hoodie, I’m at a 7 but I can get pretty far with everything anyways because I can read people and I can be charming when I feel like putting jn the effort.
    But dressed to the 9″s with the height and the looks, doors open. Opportunities arise. Not just with men but dudes too.

  21. I have to actively convince people that I’m smart, not creepy, and not a druggy because of the way I look.

  22. Lol.

    You are attractive: you have a good life, people like you, female homo sapiens like you, you get free shit, you are popular blah blah blah

    You are ugly: you are always a creep, you always have to listen to parasites telling you that it’s you pursuhnaliteh that keeps you from being in relationships and having friends, at best people will tolerate you

  23. Look how Henry Cavill feels clearly uncomfortable each time women are hitting on him.

  24. I can answer this one from personal experience. My weight has shifted substantially over the years. I’ve been a very fit and solid 6′ attractive man, and also an obese average looking guy. There are two big differences that I’ve noted.

    * The typical expected difference was level of interest from women in general. At my fittest, I had women wanting to be around my quite a lot, occasionally strangers just walking up and saying “hi”. The most crazy time was when I was in a coffee shop reading a book and the waitress brought me over a piece of cake and her number. I hadn’t even spoken to her.
    As a fat guy, I barely get noticed, and if I do, it’s mostly with cautious eyes. Occasionally, I’ve been called creepy. In those situations, I had barely spoken and/or noticed the women they were friends of friends. These women were usually younger and more image focused. Sometimes women will talk to me more like a friend because they don’t see me as dating material, and will automatically assume all sorts of things, including that I’m gay. It’s odd.
    * Secondly, my opinion matters more as a fit guy. My efforts at work were appreciated much more. And people would acknowledge my ideas. Whenever I’ve got the weight on, people look at me like they’re listening, then move on once I’m finished. I’ve literally talked about an idea, everyone moved on, then the next person says the same thing and everyone’s praising them. It’s weird.

    Of course, that isn’t the whole experience, but it happens quite a lot. I’ve gone up and down in weight a few times and can tell if I’ve put on too much weight just by how people respond to me. It’s fascinating.

  25. I think there’re many privileges for being a “handsome”, “rich”, or “successful” man but nothing exists for just being a man.

  26. Naturally tall and attractive men don’t even need to use tinder. My best friend is a 6’4 stud and he can walk into a club and girls will shove their tongue down his throat before he even orders a drink

    Girls that use tinder looking for their Prince Charming are looking in the wrong places. The 10/10 dude doesn’t need tinder; he can walk into any bar and get any girl he wants lol

  27. Some women will throw themselves at you basically begging for the D. I am 5’6 not 6 foot like some of the chads in here but I am fit with a muscular body, well groomed, well dressed and confident. In highschool id get all the hugs,back scratches, massages, playing with my hair, doing my homework or in class work. Getting approached at malls,party’s,events,public etc or a lot of choosing signals via body language, eye contact, touching. Giving you opportunities to initiate conversion by being in your vicinity. From what I’ve experienced is that sometimes women work harder around me or for me. I’ve had quite a few run in with the law and I can turn on the smiles and charm and a be perceived as harmless and it helps because I am light skinned. There are some draw backs. I’ve experienced jealousy from men whenever I am out with an attractive women. This being said I am not every womens cup of tea especially because of my height. I’ve been teased by some girls for it but what sets me apart is that I never look or act insecure even though I do feel that way form time to time.

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