So I’m going into my senior yr of high school and have really been wanting to make more friends and talk to people, and basically push through my really bad social anxiety. I’m super awkward have bad acne and am skinny as shit, none of these things help my case and as for talking to girls I just can’t do it at all. I try as hard as I can not to be a weird kid but I’m scared that I already come across that way just by how quiet I am and how bad at conversation I am. Can somebody give me any tips for making friends on the first day, and being able to just talk.

1 comment
  1. are you planning on going to college? for me, my “social life” didn’t really start until college. use your senior year as a stepping stone for the rest of your life – high school is so tough. a lot of people find it easier to make friends in real life than in high school which has so many societal expectations and cliques etc. just remind yourself that it’s a bubble and what happens this year or what happened in the past isn’t how the rest of your life will go. experiment with putting yourself out there and if things don’t go as planned, don’t worry, you probably won’t see most of those people again after a year from now 🙂

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