I started seeing a woman who moved away and came back to the local area a little while. We talked for about two weeks and we hung a few nights. The time we shared together was really intimate. Talking about love languages receiving/giving, really personal deep talks about what our goals and aspirations are, what we look for in partners, and a lot of flirtation and sexual tension. The last night we hung out was almost perfect. Little date night with a scary movie, a lot of kissing, cuddling, and acknowledgment about wanting to have sex but the repercussion of not having contraceptive and having to be at work in a few hours was tough, especially since we spent a few nights that week staying up till 2-3am talking and connecting. She admitted during that time she was purposely avoiding hanging out and spending one on one time together because of the feelings we had and being so attracted to me. Both of us we ‘newly’ (year and some change)out of long relationships and agreed the attraction and intimacy was there. The last night we spent together comments were made about wishing we could stay in the moment, having more time, really liking what was going on, etc. then she went full NC and I can’t get the woman out of my head and feelings to the point it’s effecting my view of other women and relationships, mainly because I really fell for her. She continuously talked about being great at communication and long distance. Discussing over the phone dates and communication norms, which we were constantly in agreeiance with. I know she said she was scared about being serious because of the connection and I don’t want to push things, but it’s been over a month and I think about her daily and the connection we had. I don’t know if I should reach out because I honestly just want to talk to her and check in, but I’m not sure if that’s just how the “dating scene” is now. After a toxic relationship and over a year of therapy on both parts, we felt comfortable and safe with each other to be vulnerable and open off the rip. I don’t know what to do because the connection was something I haven’t felt before. We’re in our late to mid 20s, kids and both divorced. What should I do? The connection was the realist thing I’ve felt.

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