I’ve realized that all the people I’d consider friends are really not that close. Like I would text them a meme but wouldn’t reach out to talk about something serious and would probably feel weird asking any to be my best man, for example. We’re just old friends, and had all been closer in the past.

What do I do if the topic of friends comes up with someone new I meet. Idk it just seems like it could be a red flag if it’s revealed that I’m sort of a loner right now. And I don’t use social media 😬 (sort of regret that, would start but nothing really to show without a social life). Ideally I would have already started new friends before realizing I’m not close with the old ones, but it didn’t work out that way. Any advice? Maybe I just don’t need to get into the details…

  1. I cant recall a time when someone new I met has asked me about any of my friends unless we have mutual friends.

    If they do happen to ask about your friends, just bring up the people you do consider friends. You don’t need to be brutally honest about having no close friends.

    I would also recommend social media. You don’t need to be active at all, but it is a good conversation starter. It helps you make friends and stay in contact with people you’ve met.

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