I [24M] don’t know if I did/am falling out of love with my boyfriend [24M] or if he’s just moving super fast!

Hi all, new-ish relationship here. This is very long btw. I (24M) have been seeing my now boyfriend (24M) for a few months and we recently became official a few days ago since we were colleagues and decided to wait for me to leave the job for professional reasons.
So, when I first met him I was head over heels. I now recognize that this was the honeymoon/infatuation phase and relationship aren’t sparks and butterflies 24/7. By the way, this is the very first time I’ve had a relationship with somebody; I’m a late bloomer I guess, never found the right person. After realizing he felt the same way about me we decided to see each other and make it official once I left the office. However, it (the infatuation phase) started to fade around late July and I started to question whether or not I actually liked him or liked the \*idea\* of him. In addition to me questioning myself, he asked me on multiple occasions if I still loved him because he felt I was distancing myself. Eventually, I told him about how I felt about everything (infatuation phase, not able to physically say “I love you,” etc.) and said that I \*think\* I just was infatuated with him and only viewed him as a really close friend.
Here’s the thing: the idea of him leaving me makes me feel a deep emptiness and depression inside me. The idea of him moving on and finding another boyfriend and leaving me behind makes me feel awful. Plus, I can easily be myself around him and it doesn’t feel like a chore to hang with him. Additionally, I’ll stay the night at his place even if it means I have to get up early since he works early, and I don’t (we don’t live together). Intimacy isn’t an issue at all between us either.
Additionally, he used the L word after only a month… I didn’t use it back because I felt like it was early and I didn’t feel the “butterflies” that I assumed meant love. This really scared me. He has confessed that he loves me and he “worships the ground I walk on” yet I couldn’t say the same thing about him. So, we had our little breakup and we parted ways for the night as I didn’t want to lead him on if I didn’t feel how he felt. Didn’t talk much the next day until he texted me the next night and we decided to talk it out and we did. After having a very deep and meaningful conversation (which we can easily have with each other, a good sign in my book) we came to the conclusion that maybe we just have different love languages. He’s very overt, wears his emotions on his sleeve, whereas I’m more reserved and show affection through quality time and cuddling, watching movies, that sort of thing. I don’t really express it through language like he does. Since then, we’ve been fine until last night where he asked me where I “see him in my future.” He said he sees himself going wherever I go, but I don’t know yet. We’ve only known each other for 3 months total and he already wants to live together and start a life together. That’s still somewhat far into the future. Plus, I’m very independent and don’t like the idea of having to share a living space with somebody or having to have joint finances, cosigning things like a mortgage, etc. Again, all of this came to a head when I told him I felt like maybe we just should stay good friends (or not, I told him I understand he needs to do what he needs to do to process it, if that means going NC even though that’s not ideal for me). So, when I finish school and I move he said he “goes where I go.” He told me last night to think it over (the question about where I see our future down the line) and he’s keeping his distance because he doesn’t want to get hurt like last time (our mini breakup). Keep in mind, we’ve known each other for around 3 months total.
He didn’t cuddle me last night and I felt so isolated and alone and this morning when he cuddled me I hugged him so tight because I don’t like the idea of him not being there. So, readers: do you think I just don’t love him like he loves me? Why am I afraid to envision a future physically living with him yet I can’t handle him not being around me? I just don’t understand my own emotions, which is why I’m trying to get others’ input. I’ve also been under a lot of pressure because his one friend (she’s “protective” of him) said if I break his heart she’ll break my dick (obviously not literally) when we first started seeing each other, so when we had our little breakup she was livid and she’s not happy with me. Actually, his entire friend group is skeptical of me and it’s an uncomfortable situation for me, overall. She also apparently had some choice words about me too when he couldn’t get out of bed the next day, but whatever. What do you all make of this situation? Do you all think I’m just too immature for committment right now? I need brutal honesty.
TLDR: I don’t know if he’s just moving way too fast or if I’m not actually in love with him.

  1. From one habitual over thinker to another,I can’t help but think that’s what this is. It is very easy to kill the tiny burgeoning shoots of new love with the smothering blanket of over thinking everything.

    My suggestion would be to challenge *both* yourselves with going one week without deep thoughts on the future direction of your relationship. I know it seems hard to believe right now, but that just isn’t necessary right now! I’m 40 years old now and I cannot tell you how much I wish someone had told me this when I was in my twenties. You guys are so young- take advantage of it! Enjoy the freedoms that come with being in your twenties and just try not to take everything so seriously. Enjoy being with each other,and don’t worry right now what the future holds. If you get to a place of crossroads where you *must* make decisions,that’s a different story. Until then though, I say just tune down the white noise a bit and spend some time just *feeling*. It will all be okay in the end.

    PS: Also, you don’t need to qualify this relationship with “am I in love?” It’s enough to answer the question of “am I enjoying our time together?” If that is a definite ‘yes,’ then just don’t worry about the rest right now. These are my two cents, anyhow.

  2. I think he’s just moving too fast for your comfort and probably his own. Being truly in love after a month is super fast. I think he’s just infatuated which is different. It feels like you guys feel the same way about each other but he’s calling it love which is pressuring you into thinking your feelings for eachother are different.

    So maybe just say that. You’re infatuated, and head over heels, can’t think of him leaving, etc but it’s too early for you to be truly in love since you guys are still getting to know each other. Saying “I love you” anyway is the least important part of loving someone

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