Virgin but hoping that changes soon. Anyway was talking to a friend today and somehow the topic of condoms came up. He says “And no one uses those btw, just so you know.” He told me that of the 2 dozen girls he’d been with he never used a condom just the pull out method (which I know is idiotic). Also said that girls think condoms are “gross” and that really only homosexual men use them.

Another friend has also told me “I don’t really believe in using condoms, like ever.” He told me places one on his nightstand and if a girl has some kind of negative reaction he won’t sleep with her. As it is a huge red flag.

I’m hoping that most women have no issue with condom use. I know my friend is irresponsible and hopefully just surrounded by irresponsible women. But have any of you had any women with a problem with? My anxiety won’t let me have unprotected sex with a girl I just met. I’d go crazy. Not sure if new generations don’t use them (I’m 21 btw)

  1. people definitely use condoms dont let anyone convince you otherwise, they’re one of the best methods of contraception and std prevention (still not 100%)

  2. unless you wants aids to other STD’s to f*ck you every single day of your life mentally and physically, do use condom and be away from this piece of shit friend of yours

  3. For reference, I’m a woman. I have no problem with condoms. I have never heard of another woman having problems with them either, or thinking they’re “gross.” I use them, and I promise plenty of other people do, too. In fact, a lot of people prefer them (safety first!).

    I would not listen to your friend on this one.

  4. Your friends are fuckin dumb. I mean yeah, lots of people forgo condoms because raw sex feels way better and young people feel invincible. But the length your friends are going to justify not using condoms (leaving one on the nightstand as a test?) is dumb as hell. What a bunch of meatheads.

    So yeah, the truth about condoms is that they’re not as ubiquitous as you might imagine or have been taught. I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t go raw with some casual partners. Humans do stupid shit and hope for the best all the time.

  5. Not sure if the new generations don’t use them? I’m in my early 30s. I’m not going to take my sexual health guidance from the generation that ate Tide Pods so…

    Use condoms.

  6. My personal opinion, anyone who has self respect for themselves and the other person uses condoms. Just what I think, I think they are very underrated. It’s funny because if a guy is trying to force not wearing a condom especially if it’s a one night stand/a guy that probably doesn’t care about me, he’s the red flag.

  7. There is a massive increase of STDs in the last decade and its attitude like those you spoke is causing the mass influx of STDs. If they don’t cover it don’t have sex with them. If you get in a long-term relationship with somebody then you can discuss it with that partner. It also sounds like you really need to change the group you hang out with. The people you surround yourself with can make a large determination in your life.

  8. You’re friends are fucking stupid. Use a fucking condom. Don’t ever get mad at a girl for wanting a condom. I hear that shit all the time. I hate condoms but I can still nut and it makes her feel safe.

  9. People still use them. Your friends are idiots. Sorry to say that about them, but condoms are definitely used by responsible people during any type of sexual activity.

  10. Plenty of people do. Plenty don’t. Depending on preference. Only a few times was I asked to wear them out of the partners I’ve had. Pullout only prevents pregnancy if you know what you’re doing but not any type of disease. Fortunately I’m married now but unfortunately I still have to use the pullout method because we have no health insurance which means no birth control haha. She’d probably lose her shit if I said we can only do it with a condom. Just feels way better for both. But be safe and wear them

  11. Condoms are still in use, rest assured. But it’s not always the most effective/the only form that could be used

  12. Do NOT have sex with someone unless they are willing to do whatever you need to feel comfortable. If that includes condoms, then they MUST wear condoms.

    Do not rush into sex with someone who does not respect you.

  13. Condoms are still very popular. Your friends say that because they don’t like condoms and don’t like rules. They probably also say that to girls to be intimidating and controlling. They want to be rebels and think it makes them more manly to say “fuck condoms, I do what I want”. Second friend is a total @sshole and the “negative reaction” is because he is a turnoff, I feel bad for any girl he lures home. Your friends are red flags. I’m glad you have some sense to ask about safe sex.

  14. Girls/women that want me to not use a condom don’t get to have sex with me. After we’ve established trust and have all of the appropriate discussions, then it’s possible.

  15. Please use a condom! They are used by so many people, your friends sound like assholes and are setting you up to either get pregnant or get an STI.

    I’ve used condoms with all my partners bar my current partner as were very committed to each other and I’m on birth control AND we were both tested before anything sexual at all.
    Please use condoms, if you’re in the UK you can get free condoms from sexual health clinics as well as your doctors, or you can get free packs online (I can send you a link if need be).
    Have fun but be safe!

  16. I hope your friends are okay with paying child support, cuz that’s what the pull out method is going to get them!

  17. Condoms are the best. Pregnancy AND STI prevention? Sign me up. From an infection risk standpoint, just remember, if they refuse condoms w you, they don’t wear them w anyone else, and it’s basically like having sex w all the other ppl they had unprotected sex with. HPV and HSV just need skin to skin contact to spread. I like having normal Pap smears and not taking antibiotics for easily preventable infections spread by sharing body fluids.

    During my casual sex days I was always repulsed by unwrapped dick, like, idk where that’s been! And I always made that a clear boundary. I’m in a long term monogamous relationship currently and we use condoms PLUS withdrawal for preg prevention. Ppl like us exist!

  18. Condom sales are down 40% since 2020. So they aren’t being used as much as they used to be. Still the best option until you both have negative STI tests, birth control discussions, etc.

  19. Your friends are fucking morons. Their odds of contracting an STD or getting someone pregnant are really high.

  20. You absolutely need condoms for casual sex. I have only gone without them during long term relationships, when I have an IUD, we have both been tested, and are monogamous.

    Raw-dogging randos or relying on pull-out for birth control is beyond idiotic.

  21. I wouldn’t sleep with any person who didn’t use condoms until you are in a committed and mutually monogamous relationship. Not only is the pull out method unreliable but stupid. There is an epidemic of STIs that may one day become incurable. Syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea have increasing levels of antibiotic resistance. People still use condoms but I think younger people grew up with there being viable treatments for HIV and Hepatitis C, so they don’t view sex without a condom as dangerous.

  22. I get the feeling that your friends are not entirely honest about themselves and their experiences with you. Sounds a lot like trying to sound impressive and cool.

  23. I’m married and my husband and I use condoms 🙄 birth control had too many side effects for me. Your friends sound like idiots. Plenty of people still use condoms. Even hormonal birth control isn’t 100% so it’s always good to use both if you can if you’re looking to prevent pregnancy

  24. Nah fuck that. Im a straight guy and a condom is a MUST. If you want a creampie i wanna see your on the pill or some form of b.c because i aint in a good financial position for kids or child support. And if thats a red flag ill show you the door bc im good

  25. Im 34m in a 6 year relationship, and we still use them every time. Ive always used them, and i pretty much always have at least on with at any point. Do i really enjoy them no of course not noone really likes them all that much, but it is the smartest thing to always use them no matter if you like them or not. Especially if you are planning on just a hook up or one nighter kinda deal, but my adivce is use them until you want to have childen if you ever chose to do so.( even if birth control is involved because nothing of these methods are 100% effective)

  26. Do not listen to him. This is the most inconsiderate shit I’ve ever heard of and these women are fucking idiots. You don’t have unprotected sex with strangers.

    Especially with the fucking state of reproductive rights. Condoms are cheaper than children, plan B, and abortions.

  27. Wrap it up, every single time. Just do it, for your safety, for their safety and for everyone’s peace of mind.

    If you find someone you want to have sex with regularly and exclusively, you can talk about your other options (of which there are many).

    I think it’s a huge turn on when a guy is respectful of my safety and is conscious of his.

  28. I use condoms!! After a partner lied to me about their std status I unfortunately had to suffer the consequences and after getting treated I have never had unprotected sex again. People who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind <3

  29. Your “friends”, excuse my French, are fucking idiots. Get friends that aren’t try to get you to be a father at a young age, or get you saddled with an STD. My god.

  30. Dude find a better group of friends!!!! Holly moly. I feel bad for the dum gurl that sleeps whit them. I’m worried for the future. Lol

  31. Condoms always. Until you are ready to 1) become pregnant or 2) be with the same person the rest of your life.

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