My husband started a new job a few months back. It’s been an adjustment and I’m almost done with my pregnancy so everything has been difficult. He gets up around 3 am to go to work, usually I’m already asleep. When he has days off he usually like morning sex, we have no plans and take our time waking up so it’s a great way to start the day. Lately though, when he gets up at 3; he’ll wake me up too by rubbing me and touching me. I don’t mind the sex, since I’m pregnant it’s hard to stay asleep. The problem I have is it’s becoming regular and I’m concerned I’m training him to have morning sex in some way? Can this happen to people? My sex drive has been crazy high so I guess it’s alright for now but if I trained him on accident how do I un-train him? Anyone have experience with this?

  1. Lol don’t rely on “training” and rely more on some good communication. Say to him what you’re saying here.

  2. People can be conditioned based on repeated experiences.

    But, it’s not like you have lost the right to say “Not now,” or “not today” or whatever. Pregnancy hormones move all around, just be clear in your communications on what is and what isn’t acceptable.

  3. You “untrain” the behavior by saying no to sex in the mornings.

    If it’s not currently an issue, then no big deal.

    You can say no if and when it becomes an issue

  4. Ah, pregnancy sex has changed for me and my partner too. I was initially worried about it, but then i realized there will be a period of no sex after baby, and then the baby will force our habits to change once again.

  5. Soon you’ll have a baby and that problem will solve itself I promise. No one cock blocks like an infant

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