Long story short. Fell in love with a girl in my early 20s. She became toxic and what I realize now to be narcissism. Broke up with no contact. And now 8 years later we crossed paths and we hit it off immediately and things we’re great for the first 3 months. She questioned why we ever broke up because I’m so amazing and what not. But now I’m starting to see the patterns in her personality that led us to break up the first time around. I used to feel important to her.
I try to talk about what makes me unhappy in the relationship but it always gets spin zoned into it being my fault I feel this way.
I can pretty much read the tea leaves but I just want to know could there be any hope?

  1. The girl that you are in love with isn’t real. The real girl didn’t become toxic, she always was.

  2. > I can pretty much read the tea leaves but I just want to know could there be any hope?

    God no, there is no hope.

    If she was celf centered 8 years ago, it’s going to be wayyyyy worse now, there is even way more baggage than before.

    Why do you think she is still single?

    Not only that, she is trying to hide it and is starting to get desperate.

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