Im in my mid20s but I still feel like my mind is at a stunt growth in teenager years. I’m not there where I’m supposed to be for my age. I mean like I see people already graduate and now working great jobs and well pay. Some are in relationships like dating or gotten married.

Majority of people already have a vision on how they want their life to be. And sure they have hunger and drive to change their life. There are so many life skills to learn like I still don’t even understand the basic finical literacy about stocks or what to invest in. How to make extra money . How to work on myslef like confidence or learning a new skill. Such things like basic maintainance and repair. Becoming tech savvy. Learning to take care of mental emotional well being. This list goes on but it feels overwhelming when you start realize how behind in life you are. And end up not doing anything.

1 comment
  1. > There are so many life skills to learn like I still don’t even understand the basic finical literacy about stocks or what to invest in.

    This isn’t for everybody. However, if you want to start, then I’d suggest read up the section for it in the wiki from /r/personalfinance. I still don’t know jack squat about stocks, but you just need to learn how to manage your own finances first.

    > How to make extra money .

    It is exactly what you said: it’s **extra**… so focus on building the foundation of your finance first through budgeting.

    > How to work on myself like confidence or learning a new skill.

    Just find a hobby and that likely can turn into a skill. Want to hit 2 birds with 1 stone? Work out or take martial arts. Confidence is something you build from within.

    > Such things like basic maintenance and repair.

    Not everyone can be good with their hands but anything “basic” can be found on Google or YouTube.

    > Becoming tech savvy.

    This is a skill you can build off so this for sure can check 2 boxes for you. At the same time, being tech savvy is subjective. I work with some basic coding and technical knowledge so I would be considered tech savvy to the general public, but I would be barely scratching the surface when compared to the rest of the industry.

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