hi all, sorry if the flair is wrong, just figured that was closest match. i’ve recently been trying to get back into decent shape. i’m 5’5″ about 140lbs, in my mid 30’s. i’d say i’m average build. growing up i was in sports through high school, although cardio was never really my thing.
as i’m getting older, i’ve noticed my body changing in various ways and my day to day activities becoming less physically demanding like they once were. so i’ve been doing some basic arm and chest workouts with the few dumbbells i have on hand, as well as some squats, lunges, and other various non equipment lower body exercises. i feel pretty good and have noticed some strength gain, but now i’m looking to burn some calories and shed a little fat around my belly (i know you can’t target weight loss, but i’m hoping my belly can at least trim down a little).
what are some convenient at home workouts/exercises that will get my heart rate up and slowly build my stamina? i have minimal equipment, although i don’t mind spending a moderate amount on things that will be useful, and i have bad knees so running is tough for me. i have tried riding a bike, however my neighborhood drivers cannot safely share the road (i have driven down to the beach just to ride along the boardwalk, but with the heavy foot traffic, i just feel like i’m cruising rather than getting my heart rate up). any and all help is appreciated. thanks

  1. Lots of simple circuit workouts and complexes (especially dumbbell/kettlebell) can be done at home. For example, search “upper body kettlebell complex/flow” or “full body dumbbell circuit” to find example workouts. Often will have YouTube demonstrations.

    As for equipment, if you want add some functional resistance, consider things like AGOGIE’s resistance pants or an entry level weight vest. Since you mentioned cardio, there are some decent air bikes for a couple hundred dollars/pounds/euros (if you’re outside the West, unfortunately I’m not sure), and you can use one for Tabata HIIT training.

    For burning (especially visceral) fat, you’re better off focusing on diet. Lots to think about there, but if you haven’t already, work toward cutting out ultra-processed junk food.

    Good luck.

  2. If all you’re looking to do is get into something that resembles shape, you don’t need any equipment. Push ups. Sit ups. Burpees. You know….all that shit they made you do in HS gym class? Yeah, it’ll do the trick if you’re serious about it.

  3. Check out Body Project on YouTube for at-home cardio. Daniel is super encouraging and the videos have people with all sorts of body types in them.

    Those workouts saved my sanity more than once during lockdown.

  4. > in my mid 30’s…as i’m getting older, i’ve noticed my body changing in various ways

    That’s just due to too many calories in and too little exercise, not age itself. That can be changed back.

    > i have bad knees so running is tough for me.

    Are you sure? I have x-rays showing minor arthritis in both knees and had a lateral meniscal tear and took some time off and am back to running basically fine (as of today). Having good, new sneakers, good form and not running too fast the whole time, and not running downhill make a big difference. Especially at your relatively light weight, it might be OK.

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