We are both teenagers (juniors) and I’ve known her for almost 5 years now. I’ve seen how she grew up and became more and more seeking of men’s validation. She messages me everyday to say “hi” but after I say “hello”she immediately talks about the guy she’s been sleeping with. She also asks me how I am but it’s really disingenuous to me because I sense that she’s doing it because she feels guilty she’s always talking about herself whenever we have conversations. It started with one guy then another guy and now she’s planning on another one.

She asks me for advice but I don’t have any idea what to say to her because I don’t know much about sex and having sexual partners myself. I listen and listen but it gets tiring because at times when I do give her my words or some advice, she hears it but it doesn’t register in her brain. She is also aware that I am becoming impatient by the constant topic and she is aware that her situation with her sleeping with guys isn’t really helping her personal issues. It’s really sucking the life out of me but I don’t want to push her away just like that. Do you think I need a break from her?

How would you have handled this situation?

tl;dr Friend only ever discusses her sex life with me and it’s becoming annoying

  1. Leave her alone and let her get railed and to cry alone. don’t be her shoulder to cry on . You don’t benefit plus it’s awkward as fuck.

  2. Send her a link about sex and tell her it should be able to answer all her questions.

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