So I (40 F) had a random follow request on IG, and I usually deny any that I’m not familiar with. I checked his profile out and his posts went back a good while and didn’t seem like a fake profile, so I accepted. Fast forward a few days and the DMs started. Innocent enough and friendly. First red flag: asks if I have What’s App. I didn’t so then asks if I have iMessage.. second red flag: sends messages from an email. At this point I’ve watched enough episodes of Catfish that it sets off alarms, but I’m recently trying to get over a long time ex so I needed a distraction. I continue to message and I’m getting tragic story after tragic story from this guy( also military by the way). It’s been about two weeks and he’s laying it on thick about how “I’m the perfect woman”.. I mean tornado warning sirens are goin off in my head at this point. I have yet to actually speak to him and he’s tryin to plan a future 🤦🏾‍♀️. So after he tries escalating to a sexual conversation I just finally block him. Via my Apple contacts and IG.. I forgot I had downloaded What’s app and my phone blows up lol. he goes on about how I hurt him.. and not talking about how I feel… I mean, he’s not wrong, but the gut instinct is never wrong, upon trying to actually speak to him, he sounds nothing like his pictures and his timeline just seemed all wrong when I asked questions about his “current duty station”. After we hung up he decided to cut things off lol I just said ok and deleted the app…. I wonder how far he would’ve taken it tho… I do appreciate that the conversations actually helped keep me from tryin to reach out to my ex, so there’s that….But back to the main question, I was right? He was definitely a catfish?

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