I cant think of a super cool fact I know personally, but what do y’all know?

  1. I once heard Cleopatra was closer in tjme to us than the creation of the pyramids

    Anne Frank and Martin Luther King were born in the same year

  2. Humans have the biggest penis size out of any primate.

    For context a human micropenis is a gorilla average.

  3. Pi to twenty decimal places

    Edit : it’s not cool, it’s stuck there from 30yrs ago and is probably blocking some important childhood memory or song lyrics

  4. If you wrapped a rope around the earth at the equator, nice and snug (and ignoring mountains, etc.), to instead have the rope 1 foot off the ground everywhere, you need to add only 3 feet (approx.) to the rope’s length.

  5. Seahorses and their close relatives, sea dragons, are the only species in which the male gets pregnant and gives birth.

  6. Part of the reason E=mc^2 is cool is that it means under the right conditions, matter and energy are interchangeable.

  7. __EV fires__ , which are chemical fires which cannot be put out. An EV battery fire is a essential a giant runaway blowtorch, which burns until it is out of fuel. The gases emitted from an BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) fire are so extremely toxic that you won’t even need to breathe them in, as they go through the skin and kills you (“nerve gases”).

    __No__ a “EV fire blanket” will not work on a BEV with a battery that is experiencing a thermal runaway (aka Mega blow torch syndrome).

    __No__ submersing it in water will not stop the fire, the water will boil off as the “chemical fire” continues in it.

    __Yes__ you can put the “flames” out, but it will eventually re-ignite, since the thermal runaway cannot be stopped until it is out of fuel.

    __If you come across a EV fire__ , run up wind __away from the fire__ and once you reached safety, then call for help.

    __if you are involved in an accident with a EV__ , __where the battery might have been compromised__ get out and away from the electric vehicle as quickly as possible. Nerve gas is colorless and smell less.

  8. The US Army had an inflatable army in WW2. Its whole purpose was to cause the enemy to report false locations and throw the enemy off.

  9. The video signal from your television gets to your eyes before the audio signal does..sound travels at about 343 meters per per second. Light at roughly 300,000 kph.

    Your brain simply adjusts and corrects the imbalance. This works great over short distances. Like your TV to your sofa. But you can really tell what’s going on when you have thunder and lightning.

    You can use simple math and a stopwatch to tell how far away it is.

  10. Some jellyfishes are biologicall immortal basically. (They can be killed obviously but they should be able to live forever if their only problem is aging)

    Life outside of Earth is nearly guaranteed to exist statistically, but time is just as vast as space so it might have died out before us, or it does not even exist yet.

    Uranus and Neptun is full of diamond.

    This is more of a disgusting fact I guess, but every mammal larger then a rat pisses for the same amount of time. (meaning from full to 0). Sorry I just wanted to share this.

    Edit: Some extra

    Dolphins get high by bothering pufferfishes.

    A tribe of ppl in South America have pretty “high” chance to survive rabies without extre medicine. (that high is only high in comparison to the 0% for everybody else)

  11. Racoons can fit into 4inch holes. The human anus can stretch up to 7 inches. Meaning you if tried hard enough you could fit two racoons up your ass.

  12. The pyramids of Giza were as old to the ancient Romans that discovered them as the ancient Romans are to us!

  13. A pigeon will only eat a Starburst if you chew it up a little bit first. Just to be clear chew the Starburst not the pigeon.

  14. Based on the processing time required for our vision system, a Major League Baseball player has to start swinging their bat before the pitcher has even released the ball.

  15. Female Snakes can store sperm upto 11 years somehow and then impregnate themselves and lay viable eggs.

  16. If there was a 4 pointer in the NBA, Trae Young would literally be the most valuable player in the NBA based on percentage and point value. Right now, he is probably somewhere in top 15 maybe lower than that.

  17. The energy released by 1 atom being split is about enough to lightly blow a tissue paper.

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