For example he went to a festival and I said who’s been on and he replied “loads”.

  1. My brain clocks out a lot so my replies can be like that but I would at least one person

  2. Don’t entertain people who aren’t willing to give you the same energy you put out.

  3. Do you only text a lot? Or do you actually spend in person time with these friends?

  4. Seems like a normal answer. There were too many to name and remember? Also, rhey could still be tired from the festival and thus have no energy to entertain your questioning.

    Also, what is a good queation to one, might be a bad question to another.

  5. Maybe they are in a bad mood all the time or they don’t care about the subject you’re asking about ?

  6. They either don’t like the question, you and/or it’s not anything to do with you. I’m only going off my experience as someone who has done this plenty of times.

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