I had a relationship of around 27 months, I did everything for this girl, we were two different people with different opinions and yeah so that didn’t work for us well.

So I wouldn’t blame it on anyone, but the thing is I was too invested in her and when we were fighting, she suddenly blocked me from everywhere and told me not to even look at her.

It was because she thinks that she’s not built for relationships and she told me she doesn’t love me anymore, she feels happy when she’s single and all the things I never expected from her.

I thought she’d come back if I beg, but she didn’t, she told me to stop begging and that I am better than that and now I am all alone, she wouldn’t meet me so I even joined her workplace to meet her.

That same workplace is like now hell to me and I see her unaffected there and literally even happier.

  1. This is why you don’t mess with ppl at work. Now it’s just awkward for you, your coworkers, etc.

    I think you need to get over her and rast. She’s not the vindictive type is she? Like the type to bring this to HR in an attempt to make you lose your job?

    You just gotta suck this one up, man. It didn’t work and it’s gonna be extra difficult if you two work together but you gotta. It’s a no from her and thats that. And the advantage, unfortunately, is her if she brings you to HR saying you won’t leave her alone about it.

  2. Buddy, you need to stop. You need to block them in return and find a new job. Stay away because youre really hurt and emotional and won’t think everything out. Its going to be really tough and youll feel unloved or lonely or just heartbroken, but youll heal and find someone else. You just need to accept the fact that its over and cry as much as you want.

  3. Man I had a bad breakup few years ago too. I wanted for a long time to get her back, but couldn’t. What I can say from experience is that begging just make things worse – seeing you down won’t make her love you again, just gonna make her pitty you in the best case scenario. Just get as far away as you can from her and try to do something for yourself, to recover your self-esteem. With time, everything will be alright.

    I took too long to notice that getting distance was the best option. Unfortunately I never could get super distant because we have a daughter together, it just made everything harder to heal. But over time, everything went well and I can even count her as a friend (but I would never had kept contact if wasn’t because of our daughter!)

    It’s a bit confuse, but my message of hope is that it hurts a lot but it passes. Give time, work on yourself, and you’ll heal.

  4. Wait. So you’re saying you started working at her job after the break up so you could see her?

  5. Pull up the big boy panties and select some new and better women—spend some in person time with them don’t settle for less than what makes you happiest. You’re too young to mourn too long over one that didn’t work out—there’s a whole big ole world to there and you likely have a long life ahead.

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