Details would be nice:

Is the relationship more than surface level?

Do y’all check up on each other? and feel comfortable about saying how you feel

“How are you? Fine”
“How are you? Good, you?”

  1. 20 years give or take. Just checking in a lot and being open and expressive about their importance to me.

  2. With my best friend who I met in middle school. She’s been the Scully to my Mulder for as long as I can remember. We depend on each other like those two characters do, on a more civ sort of way. We are pretty much like a duo you would see in a buddy comedy or something else like that.

  3. Id say about 15 years. We grew up doing crazy things like partying and what not. Had a little falling out and when he got out of prison after 4 years i said my sorry and now we hang out when we can.

  4. Jesus some people have had some long friendships. The longest I’ve managed is 5 years and we met in college. Lots of ups and downs in our friendship mainly dude to a girl (rip I know) but mostly great.

  5. I’ve got a friend that I met when I was 12, I am
    now 42. So 30 years or so.

    Got a few other friends I met when I was 16 and still in weekly contact with them.

    Real ones, it’s good to be able to look over time and remember where we came from to where we are now.

  6. For 7 years now, we just have a lot in common so it’s easy to talk about anything, having the same humor also helps. We have had conversations about our worries, I even once talked him out of committing suicide, and he helped me also during a darker time in my life.

    We don’t see each other very often, but I value the times we do. So most is with whatsapp, but even on holidays, we message each other.

  7. I guess math wise my longest friendship lasted 7 years. From second grade till high school. As of right now got no friends.

  8. I moved when I was 10, my oldest friend is someone I met in 6th grade. We still talk on Facebook but don’t really get together anymore. Live in different counties now.we have known each other for about 31 years

  9. I think about 10 years with a girl. I think it’s because we don’t meet up that frequently thus the lack of meeting up means less chance to see the ugly side of each other that ruins most friendship. The more u stick to a person the more that person will grow apart from u in the long run due to small regulator build ups of personal tendencies that could be annoying / temper / rude / any small negative traits ; it all adds up in the long run n eventually you’ll grow weary of each other or at worst, end up with a friendship ending argument. We meet up and chat maybe half a year or now once a year since she’s working at a different city.

  10. The longest friendship I have right now is 6 years.
    We check on eachother atleast every week, have serious conversations, and trust eachother completely and don’t hold back.

    Before that I had friend 10+ years, but when my sister suddenly died nobody was there to actually help me so I ditched them all, I expect my friends to do the same for me as I would do for them.

  11. My best friend was born shortly after I and our families were neighbors. Same schools through our PhD graduations (in different topics), best man at weddings. Sixty six years later we still write weekly, about the amusements/horrors of the world and our lives (for several years now on different continents). I give him all the credit for this timeless friendship because I’m nuttier than a fruitcake (says my wife 🙂 .

  12. Well, my longest running friendship started 19 years ago when I was 10, but took off two big time at age 12. He’s my best bro. I moved away with the family at age 16, but moved back last year. We kept in touch the entire time. Road trips. Hangouts. Endless memories.

    Now that I’ve moved back, we’re hanging out again like nothing ever happened. We’re total idiots together.

  13. I have a few friends I grew up with, We still talk, one set of friends got married when they were 17 and we all are in our 60’s now. Our kids know each other.

  14. 6 years this year, I think. He met me while geocaching and then never left despite my best efforts to get rid of him. 🥲😂😂 Now he’s stuck with me for life. I game with him all the time and I actually am going to grab food with him on Monday to celebrate him getting his dream job. 😁

  15. A few friendships from when we were kids in the mid 80s. Honestly, part of the reason they lasted this long is because our families got interconnected over the years. Siblings all friends with each other, etc. So even if two of us lose touch briefly, we get oulled right back and caught up quickly by the group dynamic.

  16. Met in high school, have been friends for about 17 years, and I consider the two of them brothers and just know for a fact they’ll always be in my life. I see one of them a couple times a month maybe, and the other maybe once every month or two cause he works weird hours and so do I lol. We’re open about all sorts of things and there’s not one thing I havent’ told either of them, and we’re super comfortable bringing things up like that. I mean, we’re not sitting around crying and sharing our feelings non stop, but more in the style of bitching about shit and bouncing ideas off each other. I’m closer to them than I am with a lot of my actual family

  17. Close to 5 years (we’re both 22)

    First 3 years we were in the army together, same room, same unit, same showers, same commanders… you bond like a mf

    Since then it’s been getting a little harder, but we try as best we can, we live like 3 hours from one another.

    We both try to text and meetup when we can. He’s a really good friend and the only one I seriously go out of my way to keep up with (partly because I can feel effort from his side too, which Imo is rare nowadays) most of my old friendships sizzled out incredibly quickly once we stopped seeing each other everyday, but this one is still going strong and hopefully will only strengthen in the future 💪

  18. My 2 closest friends met when I was 4. I am now 39

    How did it last this long? Not sure. We kept on having a good time together and then one day we were all almost 40

  19. I pretty much have three friends. I met them all the same year. One moved to my high school and the other two i met at my first job. That was roughly 08-09.

    Communication and respect. We don’t talk every day. If I see them a couple times a year, I’m lucky. But if I ever needed something, theyd drop everything to come help. As I would for them. Just because we don’t see eachother everyday, doesn’t break the friendship we’ve forged. Your friends should respect the time you take to grow for yourself. They should communicate if something is bothering then and not let bad feelings fester.

    Every time I see one of them in person, we communicate like nothing has changed. If my wife and son were alone with them, I trust them to protect them as their own. When someone has that level of trust, it’s not so easily broken by time and distance.

  20. Childhood best friend, going on 27 years now. We’ve shared our deepest fears and hopes with each other, been there through thick and thin. We most commonly bullshit each other.

    I moved away from his country almost 10 years ago now, and haven’t been to visit since, and our relationship has kinda cooled because of that, as well as that fact we appearto have ideologically diverged significantly, in the years since I left.

  21. Moved to the opposite side of my city when I was around 9-10, don’t remember exactly how but made friends with a couple neighborhood kids. One of those kids is still my oldest and closest friends, I’m 33 now.

  22. 15+ years. The first time I met him I didn’t like him he seemed like a dick. He kept coming around and after a while he grew on me we went from call of duty basement dwellers to working men with responsibilities and we still cut up when we get around each other 🤣 his family is my family and vice versa we talk all the time via messenger.

  23. Almost exactly 10 years. He’s had my back more times than I can count and I have his, because that’s my boi. During our friendship, we’ve had countless long, deep conversations about everything from relationships to conspiracy theories and paranormal stuff.

  24. I started a new school and he was told to show me around. Been very good friends for 19 years and he was a groomsman at my wedding. There’s 4 of us now, the other 2 joined us 17 years ago. We’re all close even to this day. Best thing was how we use to show up to each other’s houses uninvited and our parents would welcome us in like their own. Eating each other’s food was a prank we had going, I’ll be looking forward to my leftovers only to get home to see one of these idiots eating it. I’ll do the same by going over knowing very well one of them aint home and be invited in to eat and ill ask whats theirs etc. We hungout at school and after school. We went to house parties together and clubbing till we all moved to different states in Australia from new Zealand. We try and catch up once a year and we haven’t missed one. I think it’s lasted this long because we all put in the effort. We check in on each and if anyone is having a tough time they know they can open up and have done so. When we get together it’s like we’re teenagers again and never spent months apart. Roasting each other etc.

  25. 30 years was next door neighbor. Also still talk a girl I knew when I was like 12. I’m 40.i still talk to an x gf of mine from 14-15. I actually have a bunch. Have several friends from middle school we still meet up n get wings n beer n bs like once a month

  26. Ive had a friend for nine years (pretty much half my life) but we recently stopped talking so I guess my longest friendship is seven years now. We met in junior high school and we stayed together for the entirety of high school. We now study different things but he lives five minutes from my house so we see each other very often

  27. I have some amazing friends that I’ve known for over 25 years, and I’m not even 30 yet.

    We’ve been on and off, sometimes we have gone years without seeing eachother, but I know that it doesn’t matter, we’ll always be friends.

    **Do y’all check up on each other? and feel comfortable about saying how you feel.**
    Yes. I struggle with talking to people on a deeper level, these friends I feel like I can open up much more than with anyone else.

    I’m blessed.

  28. My current friendship is the one that’s longest. I’ve known them since childhood. Even though we were a gang of 11 people, and now my closest friends are only 3 of them, when we gather together all 11 of us hang out and enjoy our time. It’s a friendship that lasts for more than 15 years. We’re traveling together, going out, mixing with other people, and simply taking care of each other.

    But after the age of around 27-8 and when shit starts to be more serious you will check up on your friends less and less. And when you’re married (some of them are since I’m 31) and in a serious relationship, things tend to change but you still get to see them sometimes.

    Yes when you get older to tend to have a smaller circle of friends, but if they are loyal and you don’t act like a total idiot you get to enjoy their time even if you don’t see each other every single day.

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