What are some good habits/things to do, that make you feel like you’re thriving?

  1. I try to remember that just like dogs, humans have a list of daily needs in order to thrive.

    We need to eat when hungry, ideally a variety of foods and not too much salt or sugar

    We need to drink when thirsty

    We need to go outside twice a day and get fresh air and experience nature

    We need to talk to another human once a day at least

    We need to have at least an hour of unstructured play time every day

    We need to exercise at least 20 minutes per day (helps if this is incorporated into play but doesn’t have to be)

    We need to feel clean the majority of the time

    We need to touch other humans at least a couple times a week

    We need to feel useful at least a few times a week, but too much work can also be harmful

    We need novelty at least a few times a month in order to feel appropriately stimulated (new food, new form of play, new person to speak to, new project, new environment)

    Doing all these things makes me feel happy and healthy, and forgetting or ignoring one results in me slowly wilting like a plant.

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