I have a few but some examples are –

Go to Antarctica/the Arctic.

Go on a volcano tour.

See whales (as in like a blue whale, I’ve seen dolphins already)

Own a boa constrictor.

Visit the USA.

Most of these I haven’t done yet due to not having enough money lol. Maybe one day. I suppose seeing whales wouldn’t be impossible but I don’t live near the coast sadly.

Anyway, enough about me! How about you guys? Even if it’s only something small, feel free to share. 👌

  1. Dream: Move back the the US and buy a beach front condo on A Street in Balboa Beach, California.

    Realistic: Take a few months off and visit every country in Europe on one long road trip. I’ve been to over half already but doing them all in one go would be great.

  2. My dream is to own and run a donkey sanctuary. My love for donkeys cannot be overstated.

    I would love to see wild dolphins/whales too but I think I’d have an emotional breakdown if I ever got close to a whale.

    I’d quite like to be in a long-term meaningful relationship one day too. Running a donkey sanctuary alone is hardwork I reckon.

  3. Find Madeline McCann. I think that would be an amazing feat to achieve before you die. It would save significant heart ache, remove significant speculation, and probably settle a lot of hearts and minds in the public.

  4. i’d love a PPL and my own plane but the upkeep and required hours to keep your licence make it prohibitive at the mo. One day though

  5. The last thing on my bucket list is to sail around the world. Thus far the only thing holding me back is that I can’t afford a boat.

  6. I would love to keep pet rats one day. I follow a lot of pet rat owners on here and on YouTube and love seeing what they get up to how sociable they are. But I know I need to own rather than rent first, + lots of time to spend with the rats and enough spare cash to pay for vet bills.

  7. Go out into the Himalayas to try and find and photograph a yeti.

    Do they exist? Unlikely, but not impossible. But it would be an amazing place to go and an amazing thing to be able to try and do.

  8. I’d like to buy a campervan and travel I’d have to have company tho I think at night alone in the van in the middle of the worldliness would scare the pants off me ……. I might rethink that one 🤔 🤣

  9. Own property. Not worry about my retirement. Afford to go shopping without adding up every single item that goes into the basket. Not worry about being able to pay my bills. And have my country rule itself again.

  10. There’s a lot of things that involve travel that I’d love to do. Like going skiing, experiencing Oktoberfest, visiting Japan. I’d also love to take my son fishing in the future which is a bit more realistic. Only problem is I don’t know how to fish and don’t own any fishing gear but the boy is only 8 months old so plenty of time to sort that out!

  11. Visit some of the world’s most incredible caves like the Waitomo Glowworm cave in NZ. I love a good cave.

  12. Ditto on Antarctica! It’s like an alien planet right here on Earth (or one of those bitchin ice levels from a platform game).

    Skydiving – desperately wanna start doing this. Annoys me I’ll have to do a load of tandem jumps before I can do it solo, **but that’s probably for the best.**

    Fighter jet experience day; it’s not even that expensive, and they actually let you fly it breifly while you’re up there!! 😍

  13. Swim with great white sharks

    Go to Antarctica while it’s still there

    Record and release an album (got songs written when I was in college but have to record myself to a pro standard somehow, plus play all the instruments after previous times involved friends letting me down constantly on the drumming front, so that’s 23 years worth of material just sitting there collecting dust on paper)

    Learn to drive

    Own my own home

    Live somewhere nice (but still in Britain)

    Become an extra in a big budget film or TV show

  14. Mine is walk mountains in Canada, been in the winter but want to do it in the summer time.

  15. I want to see my daughter see an orca. She’s been obsessed from birth. I live in the UK so it’s not particularly easy, but I’d love to give her the chance to see an orca in real life

  16. Go on a top gear road trip challenge, buy a particular type of vehicle within a certain budget and then embark on a journey or series of challenges in various locations around the world. Along the way, face numerous obstacles, engage in humorous banter, and encounter unexpected situations. I dunno maybe I just wish I still had two friends who hadn’t got married.

  17. If you want to see whales you should check out the Grey Whale excursions in Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, could be one to add to the bucket list

  18. Bee keeping looks pretty cool. I’d like to get a hive or two after watching many Youtube videos.

  19. Go round the coast of Britain and Ireland on my motorbike. I had planned it next spring, but I’m not retiring now. I might have to do it in installments.

  20. * Rent a car and do a road trip across the US West Coast, I really want to see what their national parks are like.
    * See the Northern Lights
    * Learn to do Paragliding

    And the most ambitious of all… buy my own house!

  21. I’d love to visit Machu Pichu and Alaska and Iceland. As I’ve only been as far as Ireland (from the UK) so far, the chances aren’t great!

  22. Go to iceland and sit in a natural spa pool. Once there pls just leave me for a month!

  23. Have a farm that is small enough for me to manage by myself but large enough to provide me with plenty if my own food.

  24. I want to visit Japan and watch live sumo and eat a different kind of ramen every day.

  25. My husband went to Antarctica and saw whales whilst he was there so you could cross those two off at once!

  26. id thanos snap myself to the edge of the universe and just chill out there, fuck everyone and everything

  27. Can I just say it’s nice to see a positive thread on here for a change, sometimes it feels like a lot of people come on here to whine. Anyway, I’d love to visit a jungle or a rainforest someday.

  28. Queen Mary 2 Southampton to New York. It looks like Titanic without the iceberg.

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