A serious question to you all who know about this……so me and my FWB had sex it was not proper like i just penetrated like 4 5 time and then we have to abruptly go as her parent came home early and before that we had a very long time doing foreplay and it was wild so after she ate a contraceptive pill just to be sure and it’s been one and half month her periods also came in this time period and along with that she sometimes have pain in her vagina side along with blood spot which was normal side effect of that pill but yesterday she had a make out scene with some other guy and it was all just kissing and dry humping but it was wild as she was very horny and then yesterday she had a lot of blood in her panties with lots of pain so my question is is that normal? like do i have to consult a gynaecologist? or it’s just me overthinking?

  1. Always go see a doctor. Never think you are overthinking, never be ashamed, or shy. Just go and check it out. Always better safe than sorry.

  2. I assume it was an emergency contraceptive pill, yes? They are hormone bombs to induce the period and therefore prevent pregnancy. It probably fucked up her cycle.

    Use condoms man, especially since you are not exclusive or in a dedicated relationship. One of you is going to get a STD. And she will also become pregnant, unless she uses a normal pill (that she has to take every day).

    Either way, you don’t have to consult a gyno, but it might be a good idea when she does and also gets some education about proper sexual hygiene and contraception when she is there.

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