What are your thoughts on cheesy acts of love?

  1. I love them! Flowers, candles, chocolates, balloons, love letters, post it notes, cute crafty things like photo collages, and I love romantic activities like picnics and stargazing.

  2. i love anything cheesy and romantic, my husband does stuff that’s cheesy all the time and it’s so sweet and so adorable

  3. I’m not a big fan of anything that feels performative. Some people do cheesy things for the sake of being cheesy. Like “oh hey look at me I’m such a cheesy goofball, aren’t I so quirky and cute?”

    I don’t like performing. I don’t like engaging in performances. If a guy wants to make me feel special, I’d prefer it if he just spends some quality time with me versus the grand gestures of flowers or rose petals on the bed or whatever.

    I’m not big into dramatic romance. Going on a walk with a guy and talking for hours is my idea of a perfect date.

  4. Depends on what you consider cheesy. I like the small acts of love vs big. Flowers once in a while, my favorite snack if he goes to the grocery store without me, or a little gift because it reminded him of me.

  5. I’m extremely unromantic but I do like small gestures like bringing home my partner’s fave candy or tucking him in at night.

  6. Depends on what it us. Nothing over the top and attention seeking from a crowd like a flash dance or something like that. A cheesy note or drawing? Yes please. An awkward and adorable proclamation of love? Makes me smile. A silly gift they saw that made them think of me? Love it.

    My husband told me “this sure feels like love” when we were first dating. Then immediately pointed out how cheesy it was. I laughed and told him I loved it. He used to be goofy like that a lot. Now he does it on the rare occasion, normally at anniversaries or my birthday, but it always makes me smile.

  7. Love it. From special “let’s get dressed” dates or park dates, to flowers or “I got this because it reminded me of you” kind of thing.

  8. I’d welcome a bit of cheesy love and would enjoy giving it back. Its adorable every now and then.

  9. Cheesy is subjective. What others find cheesy I may not and vice versa. And anything that doesn’t affect me is none of my business

  10. I like it. There is a reason why so many people read romance novels. If someone out there has the guts to make those stories into a reality, I say go for it.

  11. Depends on who is doing it!

    I had men do some cheesy shit, but I was just not interested. So, to me at that time, it seemed desperate.

    But someone I am interested in does it, I think it is so adorable!

  12. I’m fucking gross about this stuff. *I’m* the woman who goes to cheesy extremes for her wife to show her how much I love her.

  13. I love it as long as it’s genuine. I used to be very cynical about stuff like that but my husband changed my mind about it, I always know it’s genuine coming from him.

  14. I’d find it hard to complain about genuine displays of affection. I’m happy that he wants to do those things, even if they’re cheesy; it’s the thought that counts.

  15. I have to have cheesy romantic gestures. If there’s no romance there isn’t a romantic relationship.

  16. If someone loves me enough to do it I’ll be patient enough to appreciate it lol

  17. If the intentions are sincere, then I am sure I would appreciate it. Plus, something cheesy to one person might be awesome and romantic/loving to another. You just never know what might get to you. As in touch your heart.

  18. If it’s over the top and public, I’m not into it. If it’s love-bombing done in an attempt to apologize for a screw-up, I’m not into it. If it’s a small, thoughtful cheesy thing that feels on-brand for my partner, then I see it as the action-based equivalent of my top love language (words of affirmation).

  19. Cheesy is buying your girlfriend red roses on Valentine’s Day. And ya wanna know what I want on Valentine’s Day? A dozen red roses. I love it, even with the cheese factor!

  20. I am okay with it as long as it is genuine. I hate it when I feel like the gesture has an ulterior motive.

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