Tiktok is a weird fucking app. I was scrolling through my fyp and saw this girl on live who went to my highschool. She was a grade above me, she wouldn’t know me at all but I commented saying I recognized her, she’s like omg who are you but as soon as she said it my partner started talking and I never got to respond back plus I was a little nervous. Because I know she wouldn’t know me, I’m on a burner account because I don’t do anything on there except follow peoples content I like, I don’t post, and I had like no friends in HS I think my “group” was mostly guys and my 2 girl friends I knew since I was a kid lmao. And for my class I’m not really sure how I was perceived but I had some of the popular group bully me and probably think I was weird. I definitely was in middle school but I had issues at home and anxiety hahaha.

I feel bad for leaving her hanging but I don’t want to come off as weird if I message her on Instagram being like hey it was me. What are you guys thoughts on this?

  1. Just message her. You have nothing to lose. Sounds like you have a partner, so it isn’t like you are trying to get into her pants.

  2. i’d just say “ah we never talked or anything so not sure you’d remember me, my name is [name] and i was a grade below you, i recognized you because [reason]. it’s cool seeing people from my highschool on here though!” or somerhing

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