What drives you to keep going everyday? What do you find important in life that makes it worth to keep on going?

  1. 1. Respect and recognition from peers.

    2. Support yourself & your loved ones.

    3. Following your passion.

    4. Love (in whatever form).

  2. Being with my family, having a satisfying life, sex, travel, food, learning new things, sex, reading, watching movies, video games, and also sex

  3. My family that I will suprise soon by showing up at their door on September 18th hopefully. It’s been 3.5 years and I missed them so much.

  4. Glass house, white Ferrari, live for New Year’s Eve. Sloppy steaks at Truffoni’s. Big, rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it. Water splashing around the table makes the night so much more fun. After the club, go to Truffoni’s for sloppy steaks. They’d say, “No sloppy steaks.” But they can’t stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water. Before you knew it, we were dumping that water on those steaks. The waiters were coming to try and snatch ’em up. We had to eat as fast as we could. Oh, I miss those nights. I was a piece of shit, though.

  5. Friday at work we get breakfast, I normally get a sausage bacon sandwich and a hash brown side. The though of that takes me through the week.

  6. Umm before it was for my family. After the divorce, people said things and sides where chosen, so now i live for me. To just live, not trying yo improve or change anything.

  7. >What drives you to keep going everyday?

    Beats me, it might be that I’m just inured to it now.

  8. Building my company up, I want to sit at the big boys table at some point in the next 10 years.

    Also I’d like to get into politics at some point, simply for the fact that I am not corruptible and want to do some good for my fellows. I have a few ideas sketched out of what I’d like to try to implement in my country at some point.

  9. I live for nothing right now but i am trying to find out what my goal is and what i really want to do and live for.

  10. Dancing is all I have right now and maybe not making my mom sad if I left.

    I took up dancing three months ago and everytime I dance I just look forward to the next time.

  11. Now? Admiring how my 2 boys (20 and 25) are doing All Right and are good guys.
    Learning from and with them is cool, too.

  12. Honestly, I don’t really know anymore. I’ve been giving that a lot of thought lately, and I’m not coming up with much, and it kinda scares me to be honest.

  13. My queen and my princess. But also life that is pretty beautiful if you watch it from the right angle.

  14. I don’t know. I have good kids and I enjoy my job. I think my wife would maybe be upset if I wasn’t here… or maybe not.

    Things I look forward to: traveling by myself, listening to and making music (by myself), motorcycling, time when no one else is home, and working out (preferably by myself). Of those things, the only thing that happens more than occasionally is working out.

    My long-term ‘why am I here?’ answer would be to raise my kids right and be around for them for as long as I can be.

  15. To be able to give a better life to my future kids someday and also to have a more comfortable lifestyle in general , But thats not a knock on my parents ,i love them so much but our life is hard rn tho so yeah got a lot of chip on my shoulder to never give up in life.

  16. Playing games, my mom and my dad, my dog, my SO, beautiful sights and delicious food. Life is pretty good, NGL.

    I attempted suicide 3x some years ago, but then a younger cousin of mine was murdered when he reacted to a robbery, and his parents were devastated. I came to the realization that I couldn’t do this to my parents, and that I should focus on the things I like, which are hiking, eating and playing games.

    After that, everything got kinda easier, even the bad moments. Not long after I met my SO, who is a great person to have by your side.

  17. Joy
    Life is for enjoying. Everything you do is temporary. Don’t waste time on stuff you hate, that you don’t have to do.
    “If it sucks, hit the bricks”

  18. In hope of reading the conclusion of the manga/anime series Berserk. Yep that’s about it.

  19. My children to have a better life than mine. I will probably never have a GF ever again but I can find joy in knowing that I can try and make my children’s lives easier.

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