(Ladies, feel free to chime in with things that you like guys to do) So yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve done the spicy so just trying to ‘prepare’ for a night with this girl I met. What do you do or eat beforehand to help yourself and your partner have a good time? Aside from the obvious like taking a shower and (I hope) not eating Taco Bell with extra cheese! Also, what’s the best brand of condoms for average size? Thanks in advance!

  1. The best advice I have is just don’t overthink this. Best sex is when you’re both relaxed and just enjoying the moment without thinking about anything.

  2. I Usually eat fruit:

    healthy energy, makes your semen taste better, you feel full with less food for a longer period of time and less likely to have to cancel for a bathroom emergency

  3. the best brand of condoms is the one you’re comfortable and skilled with

    the goal is to put it on fast without thinking about it (muscle-memory) so you can keep on enjoying your partner without creating an awkward pause

  4. Don’t overthink it. If both of you want to have sex, what you ate or drank before, or what brand condom you want to use, makes absolutely no difference,

  5. Well if you want your cum to taste different for her have tons of coconut and pineapple and berries for libido sea food and the best are the
    Ones that feel like nothing is there but meh if it’s for her I’ve heard the condom with ridges

  6. Shave and eat plenty of pineapple. Also don’t fucking overthinking it man. It’s just sex. Relax and enjoy yourself.

  7. Biggest thing is to drink lots of water, and avoid heavy sugar, processed bread, dairy, foods rich in fiber, and anything unnatural if possible before the date itself. If plan is an ice cream date or something like that, there’s nothing you can do to really avoid that stuff there, but for just keeping your system clean for as long as possible from the other junk is probably the best thing that can happen to prevent bloating, gas, large amounts of stoles, etc. the main theme about this is just to make sure your natural side of thing complied with the activities being done.

  8. Trim but don’t fully shave your pubic hair. Don’t shave your chest or stomach, stubble feels awful. Use soap, clean well. Use a good lotion all over your body. Brush your teeth, trim your nails AND make sure they aren’t jagged at all, use a file if you need to.

  9. Communicate! I am always up front with guys that I do not care to receive oral (I find it uninteresting) and prefer to have orgasms in PIV.

  10. I like a guy who’s trimmed, clean, smells good, shows that he cares about my comfort/consent, has a clean living space and cares about foreplay. Bonus if he’s good at going down. Red flag if he doesn’t have condoms, or doesn’t want to use them (although I carry my own just in case.)

    I like Skyn brand condoms since they’re thin, high-quality and latex-free. As long as it’s thin, smooth and lubed, you’re good. Don’t fuss with those weird condoms that have extra features. Speaking of lube, it’s good to have that on hand because cis women can have an issue creating their own lubricant sometimes for various reasons (i.e. nerves, antidepressants, etc.) Also, don’t be afraid of using sex toys, if she’s interested—they’re your friend and lots of cis women (if not most?) can have multiple orgasms.

  11. Average in the real world or average in the female world cause cause in the female world 8 in is average some may say no that not true but there full of it I like durex or Trojan I’m a above lil 7in not a brag cause no cares just tell you what I like to use on the rare occasion I have sex

  12. Don’t be inside your head . Just enjoy and feel the pleasure. But do communicate and respect boundaries.

  13. You should just go with the flow… as long as your diet consists of fruits and veggies I wouldn’t worry.

    Shower and smell good before hand and that’s about it.

  14. Just remember as you open your belt to scream out “say hello to my little friend!”

  15. Really any type of condom that is “thinner,” but also durable enough not to break. Stuff to eat would be stay away from stuff like onions or garlic for a couple days prior (assuming you’re going to continue with them). Drink a good amount of juice and water. Sounds weird, but it makes semen not taste as bad. Basically don’t be too hairy down there, eat and drink healthy, stay away from certain foods that are potent, and like you said take a shower before.

  16. The TOP thing is not to put pressure on yourself and try to be perfect. It won’t be and you may end up scaring your little man away during the deed.

    I use extra thin condoms for better sensation. It sounds like you’ve been out the game and death grip masturbation can kill sensation down there you may need all the help you can get.

    Pro Top: Clip your nails and use a file so you don’t have rough edges in case your giving a little finger action.

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