I m20 have fucked two people in three years since I lost my virginity. Me and my current gf tried having sex and it didn’t really work lol. ( See previous post).

But the first girl was normal hs thing. I worked with her and we fucked once. I never came. Then I went to college.

Freshman year… no pussy. Sophomore year I met a couple on reddit who lived like an hour away. They wanted to be cucked/mmf/bi-curios guy/ needed onlyfans content. We snapped for a week and they seemed chill. She gave really good head but like it was really awkward and everyone was nervous. I was only in her for like 7 minutes. The guy was weird too and his room was so nasty. There were guinea pugs loose and the whole room was their pen. But we fucked and recorded it and I blocked them and followed them back and the videos were never posted. I didn’t finish. Never saw them again. (October 30th)

Then another couple who wanted a bull again off reddit… I got there and the guy told me beforehand he wanted to suck my dick… (this is the big part that I don’t know if I should share. ) I was curious about men at the time and the head felt good but I know for sure that I’m only into girls. Also there was no girl and he asked me if I would fuck a horse for $5k after doing me a video of it… so I got the fuck outta there. That was in March this year and I haven’t fucked anyone since. Once again didnt cum.

I have even fucked that much in general tbh. Its all around making me kind of anxious. One because I feel like these things should be shared but I’m embarrassed and think it might be a little to extreme. Additionally my lack of experience is getting in my head.l, I’ve never fun with a woman before.

My gf is amazing and hot and smart and deserves good dick. Idk any advice would help.

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