As a title says you have no ways of escaping the island and your pick will carry on till you die. Let’s assume you have the access to still water and can hunt some animals and fish to survive

Which one’s your pick and why to make your life a bit brighter?

1. A random book every week. This is guaranteed to be the best readings ever done by manknd
2. A random movie every week. Same as for the book – ain’t gonna be disappointed (let’s assume you are provided with a means to watch this and only this movies)
3. A random celebrity to chat for an hour every week. You can not chose (so it can be ones you never ever heard bout)
4. A fresh newspaper every week to keep a track of what’s happening in the world
5. A handsome girl/pal of your type once a week. She/he can not talk but great in bed
6. Your fav type of food once per week (If you like burgers – this will be rotation of burgers)
7. Your fav booze, a bottle per week


  1. I hate reading, I don’t watch TV, I dont like company, and I don’t drink, but I sure would love a fresh sandwich from Subway on a regular basis.

  2. The food is the only useful thing in the entire list because you will be too busy with work to do anything else and nutrition will remain one of the biggest issues.

  3. Obviously, you’d pick the celebrity/pal person over the once weekly food. More meat 👨🏻‍🍳

  4. An Indian tandoori mixed grill once a week.

    Hundreds of gs of protein, fats, and tastes amazing. When working hard your body goes into this primal craving for protein/meat and that would do the trick.

  5. 1. The book.

    My reasoning:

    2. I love movies but I’ve got a great imagination and I can do more with a book than I can with a movie

    3. As nice as the interaction would be, an hour will go by very fast and I assume I won’t be able to talk to the same person twice so we could never really get into a groove.

    4. It’s all doom and gloom or if everything is great, I’d rather not know that from reading a newspaper.

    5. I need good conversation as much as I need sex so this wouldn’t scratch that itch for me.

    6. This is just an indulgence and won’t last long anyway

    7. This is just an unhealthy way to pass the time

  6. it would be 3 if it wasn’t for it being a celebrity. If it was just a random person, then I would pick that.

    Since it has to be a celebrity, I choose #5. I have found that I am mostly touch starved and would prefer physical company.

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