When was the last time someone looked at you with so much love it completely dismantled you?

  1. Haven’t seen it for me.

    But I’ve seen that look from a girl I like when she looks at the guy she likes.

    So I just walk away.

  2. My wife of ten years, the look she gives me every day. It still scares me to this day. Like “why me tho I’m just a dude.”

  3. For all those saying it’s literally never happened to them, it *presumably* has. You just haven’t noticed it.

  4. We just got done with a long day at the fair. It was hot, it was exhausting, and it was an hour-long drive home. Neither my wife or I felt up to driving, but I just got in the driver’s seat and took over anyway. The look of relief and love on her face made me melt more than the heat did.

  5. Last week. My girlfriend was on molly and just melting with all the love she had inside her for me. She said and did so many beautiful things.

  6. Buddies backyard, I was cooking something and my then g/f came out with a big smile on her face after holding his semi newborn and I almost fainted with how much emotion I had towards her.

    We broke up. Well, she ghosted me. But I still havent’ felt that way towards another person, and I honestly, I doubt I will.

    2018. So 5 years now. The memory still hurts.

  7. Can’t remember but I know at work today. I went to self serve to buy my lunch only to glance to my right and see a woman giving me a side eye smile that came off to me as flirtatious.

    Not love because don’t be silly and I have people (women and men) smile at me a lot as I work in service but this smile came off different.

    Probably overthinking and it was just her being friendly. 🤷‍♂️

  8. I dated a girl a few years ago that had been my high school crush. We finally decided to date after college.

    The way she looked at me, with the stars of the universe shining in her eyes, would make my knees weak. I felt true love for the first time.

    This was it. My life had the missing piece.

    Fast forward two years, we grew apart religiously and ultimately she decided she couldn’t be with me anymore.

    She took my heart and destroyed it.

    That was 2017. I haven’t been able to date since then. What’s the point?

  9. *”When was the last time someone looked at you with so much love it completely dismantled you?”*

    I think I caught diabetes just from reading that.

  10. maybe my highschool sweetheart? idk


    Ive been in relationships since which makes me sad

  11. My wife on Tuesday night, when I left for work.
    I’m a truck driver, and it’s really hard to say goodbye.

  12. When I come home and my kids scream ‘Daddy!’ while running to hug me and stare up at me when they do.

    It won’t be long till they don’t do that anymore, got to store it away while I can.

  13. There was this one time where I had just come back home from uni and my nephew and niece (5 and 3yo) were staying since the day before (I live with my parents).

    My mom called me because she “had to tell me something”. I went in her room and there she was with both kids. She says “your niece wants to play mumies woth you!”, I look into the little girl and she’s like “nu-uh” (she’s still learning how to correctly pronounce things and speaks baby-ish).

    I then asked “do you mean memory?” and she (my niece) just lit up and basically started pulling on my shirt to take me to the living room and play. She was so fucking happy that day and I don’t know why, she looked at me with the most loving and innocent eyes in the world. Pure, unfiltered love and happiness.

    That happened when I was in a very shitty emotional state (pretty depressed about my bad performance in college, having intrussive thoughts about my last relationship, amongst other things), so seeing my favourite person in all of reality wanting to spend time with me so much just made my day. I don’t usually cry with things like these, but that day I just grabbed the girl and hugged her as hard as I could without hurting her and left a couple of happy tears in her shirt. She and her brother are the most precious things I have in my life right now.

  14. Almost 2 weeks ago when I had my 4 year old daughter. I pick her up tomorrow for the weekend. Excitement is an understatement and if not for that beautiful girl I would have checked out.

  15. 5 months ago when I was sick my girlfriend took care of me and gave me that look I remember feeling so special….. then 5 days later she left me for someone else.

  16. I have to say I experienced that exactly once, with a guy I barely knew. When he was in the room, he would look at me with this crazy look that just made me think how much he loved me, which defied all rational sense.

    He had the most brilliant sky blue eyes, as if there was a blue fire raging inside them every time he looked at me, and when we were close, it was as if the molecules around us were rearranging…I felt as if we had lived lifetimes together in the past, that there was some kind of ancestral memory that was being painfully awakened, as if we had experienced so much of every aspect of life together, from all its highs and lows and that we had been like Cleopatra and Mark Antony in which our future had been ultimately fated, but that we had found each other again, just staring at each other in the present.

    It was the most puzzling, illogical phenomenon I’ve ever experienced, but I understood at that exact moment what the phenomenon of “love at first sight” was. It wasn’t lust because I didn’t crave his body nor want to have sex with him, it was just an intense feeling like having woken up from a deep sleep and every part of you was coming alive.

    From his look, I knew intrinsically without a doubt that *he simply loved me, and that he would fight for me, protect me, and always love me…*

    I didn’t believe in soulmates, but if I could classify it as such, this would come fairly close.

    No drug induced state, neither ecstasy, LSD or anything else has ever matched this sober phenomenon. It was as if time had literally stopped and we were experiencing both the past the present and the future at the same time. I have never felt such strong attraction to someone, to someone’s entire mind, body and soul like that in my entire life. It became a template for me to understand that there was something else in the world, something that pulled and drew people together and after that, I couldn’t settle for anything else.

    Every man who came after never compared. Of course, I had a boyfriend at the time whom I was engaged to, so I felt this wasn’t something I should pursue, to leave the stability of my relationship for a guy I barely knew, however, at the same time, I wondered why it was that I didn’t feel 1/10th of what I felt for my boyfriend at the time in comparison to this man whom I didn’t really know? Obviously our engagement ended rather abruptly several months later to my father’s disappointment…but that is another story.

    The funny thing is that several years later, I actually found him on reddit, and I discovered that he is the most arrogant, egotistical, supercilious, contemptuous and verbose man (but still rather oddly intelligent) I’ve ever encountered. In the most unlikely chance if I ever saw him again, I wonder if I would feel the same way?

    And I wonder if he still thinks of me? I sometimes wonder if fate would draw us together again?

  17. When I was young and dumb, I broke up with a girl that I should have married. I was her “Prince Charming” and I broke her heart.

    After 20 years of no contact with her, one day she sent me an email. She was getting out of a horrible abusive marriage and was reaching out to me to “close some open doors” before moving on with her life. I too was getting out of a bad marriage. After several weeks of emailing back and forth, I asked if she would consider getting back together with me. She turned me down. Didn’t want to risk me hurting her again. I fought for her heart and eventually won her over.

    Our relationship was the thing dreams are made of. For four years I saw that “so much love” look every day. Then she was taken from me. Cancer is a bitch.

    She used to tell me how incredibly lucky she was to be with me. I let her think that, but in reality…I was the lucky one. She has been gone 20 years now. Miss ya babe.

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