
I want to go see a film at the cinema whilst it’s still out on the big screen, but I’m feeling a little self conscious over it. I’ve never gone on my own before and I’m worried I’d look a little weird. Am I wrong to think this way?

E: OK! I will go on my own, seems perfectly normal, ha!

  1. Yep.

    Loads of people do. It’s not remotely weird. You can’t talk to anyone in the cinema anyway.

    No one will blink an eye at it

  2. Yes, no one cares.

    You don’t go to the cinema to socialize or talk so you won’t even notice either.

    I love sometimes taking the afternoon off without the wife and going to watch something she is not interested in.

  3. I go on my own. If someone is offended that you’re on your todd they’re the weird ones.

    Like really quite weird. The lights are down why are they staring at you so much in the dark.

  4. I worked in event security for many years, so let me guarantee you that it is completely normal for people to turn up to things on their own. A cinema gets lots of people buying single tickets from shift workers to journalists.

  5. No and I would never do it just in case a random stranger who I will never see again in my life thinks to themselves that I’m weird.

  6. Yep also go to the theatre in Cardiff by myself and stay over. As a woman it’s fine.

    If I was waiting for someone to be available I’d never do the things I want to do.

  7. Why would it be weird to go on your own?

    It’s an activity where you sit in silence, in the dark and stare at a screen for 2 hours.

  8. Think back to the last time you went to the cinema. How many of the people in the crowd with you were there on their own? Describe them, please, in detail.

    Can’t do that?

    *Neither can anyone else.*

  9. what is it with redditors and talking about going to the cinema by themselves? this question is asked daily on here lol.

  10. Yes, watching a film a film doesn’t have to be a social activity, once it starts you shouldn’t be talking to your friends anyway. I’ve gone to the cinema, to gigs, to comedy shows on my own before, if something is worth seeing you should do it.

  11. I love going to the cinema on my own and do it regularly. It’s completely normal.

    You’re (hopefully) not going to be talking to anyone during the film anyway so it’s not like it’s an activity that requires other people to be with you.

  12. As a mum, there is nothing better for me than going alone to the cinema. There is nobody that needs my attention or nobody else I need to worry about. I can just sit alone, eat my pick’n’mix without any little hands helping themselves and enjoy the film!

  13. Done it for years – also gone to the theatre & gigs myself. Not going to miss out on things i want to do or see because no one else free or fancy it. You get used to it – just go!

  14. Locked myself out of the house years ago so ended up wandering the streets. Finally decided to go to the cinema and watch The Ring. I was only person there, and it was great.

  15. The first time I went to the cinema by myself was so much fun and very relaxing. Nobody to chat to you through the movie, having the snacks all to yourself, being able to think about it without having to discuss it to bits. Yeah, a very liberating thing to do, and I have done it a few times since.

  16. I go a couple of times a week and maybe 70% of the time I’m alone.

    Also work in a cinema and not once in three years have I ever heard a comment about people coming alone. I like people who come alone because you can guarantee they won’t be trouble

  17. Yes, plenty of times. If the place has a subscription like Odeon then you’ll see tons of people by themselves

  18. It’s the best way. I’ve also considered booking seats on the opposite side of the room to my wife so that I don’t miss the film whilst constantly answering questions about things that haven’t happened in the film yet

  19. I almost never go *with* someone. I have an Odeon Limitless card (which I don’t use anywhere near as much as I should, tbh) and there’s something very liberating about just booking a seat, rocking up on your own, getting whatever food you want, and just chilling for a couple of hours.

    Apart from losing out on the ability to immediately chat with someone about the movie you’ve just seen, it is *so* much better to go on your own it’s unreal.

  20. Yep. I’m not going to not do something I want to do because I’m the only one doing it.

  21. So, a few years ago I drove my in-laws to a concert, had a couple hours to kill before picking them up, so went to the cinema next door. Says to the girl, what on starting soon, she smiled at me and says, fifty shades of grey (the second one I think). The crowd of girls behind me all dressed in leather skirts and masks etc. whistling and hollering at me, I replied “anything else, please, anything else”.

  22. I always* go on my own because my friends and family live miles away.

    The group of mates a few rows behind me who sit there and natter through the entire thing are annoying as hell.

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