Hey there,

About a year ago I took a class that had a girl I was really into. I saw from a class discussion post that she was into a lot of the same stuff as me, and is also has the same major. I never got a chance to talk to her in person, but I stumbled upon her Instagram this summer. I followed her and she followed me back. I tried to make small talk, and she replied once and then stopped. If she left me on read I definitely would’ve taken the hint, but I thought I’d shoot my shot. Again she never opened my message. I ended up un-sending that stuff and thought I’d give up.

But I really want to try again. It’d be nice to have some closure, a simple no, or being left on read would be enough. Part of me thinks that she just doesn’t use Instagram much and is busy since she hasn’t posted in a long time and took awhile to respond to me the first time.

What do you guys think? Should I drop it and move on? Should I try again? I’m not really gonna lose anything if she doesn’t respond, or says no. If you think I should try again, any advice on how I should do it?

I appreciate any advice. Thank you!

  1. If you’re going in with the expectation of being rejected, then why overthink it? “Hey do you want to go out sometime?” Super easy, she’ll probably you on read, and if she never opens it, that’s essentially the same as being on read.

  2. If I really wanted to talk to a guy and I didn’t use Instagram very much, I’d give him the info to a site I do use or my number. She replied once dude.

    She’s likely not interested. And since you know that, just ask her if you can take her to dinner. What does it matter really? It’s not a weird thing where you need to see her all the time.

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