Im not too entirely sure on how to title this. but throughout most, if not all, of our relationship his ex (22? f) continuously finds ways to contact him.

he hates her because she was toxic during their relationship, and completely cut her out of his life when they broke up.

she’s always hated me, and she’s met me once. anyway. not the point. we got together and she’d message him, he’d show me and be annoyed with the fact she’s trying to talk to him.

so he blocked her everywhere. she then found out his email and emailed him. so he blocked her email.

today was his birthday, and she e-transfered him money with a messaged attached to it. like wtaf right??

how the hell do we go about this?

TL;DR – my boyfriends ex finds ways to contact him although she’s blocked everywhere. help?!

  1. He’s doing the right thing by blocking her every time she contacts him. As soon as he responds, even if it’s negatively, she learns that she’ll be rewarded if she’s persistent enough.

  2. Oof. Well atleast he doesn’t seem interested in the drama, respects to your man. Secondly just ignore her. She’s looking for any reaction at all. Sees the blocking as a challenge seems like. Hopefully will go away after she realizes no one is paying attention to her.

    However you choose to deal with it tho keep yourself safe.

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