What do you do to wake up and get ready for your day? Workout? Coffee? Vitamins? Stretching?

  1. On a free day, I wake up, check my phone, take a shit, take a shower, make breakfast , eat breakfast, no coffee, take a shit again.

    On a work day, I wake up, check my phone, take a shit, make breakfast and lunch, eat breakfast, no coffee, take a shit again and go to work.

    Breakfast is 2 sandwiches, lunch is 2 sandwiches and some fruit, no vitamins as 99% of the taken vitamins are absolutely useless.

  2. Wake up at 5:45. Get up at 6:00. Have an existential crisis in the shower. Breakfast. Shit and brush teeth. Commute.

  3. I usually wake up, feed the cats, go to the toilet, brush my teeth, wash my face, make a protein shake, take creatine and get dressed.

    It doesn’t really take more than a few minutes

  4. My morning routine is from “The Miracle morning” Book
    And i strongly recommend it for everyone to read this book

    My routine usually start from 5:00 AM just like stated in the book.

    About 40 minutes i just spend on meditation, and just doing nothing for like 20 minutes, it refreshes your brain to be in dark room, no sound exist , eye closed, so relaxed….
    And i do some affirmation for like 2 minutes related to motivation and productivity,
    After finishing affirmations, i try to eat some small snacks like honey, some fruits and vegetables and a small amount of yogurt.

    After that i visualize success, with all of my senses combined and colorful, vivid visualization.
    And i also visualize what if i don’t reach my goals and fail in life, what happen, do both for like 8 minutes or less, this can really help with motivation and productivity.
    And i also use image streaming technique, basically visualize something with all of your 5 senses,vivid as possible, feel everything in the visualization like how does this apple taste, how hard is it to weight and is it hard to bite it and chew it? and describe anything you see, for about 10 minute, it’s good thing to prove intelligence and memory and really help with “mind palace” memory method.
    And i also look at sky for like 15 minutes, even though sun itself is not really visible in my perspective, i still get enough sunlight from the sky alone as it’s clear and as light is spreading widely , this can improve sleep.

    And after that i do intense workout which include mostly just biceps exercises, when I’m done with workout i began to paractice copywriting and improving my writing skills, then eat breakfast.
    pretty much that’s all i do early at the morning

    Also sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is my third language.

  5. Every day i wake up at 5:00 a.m., stretch shortly, walk out the dog, shower/ shave, off to work.

    On weekends the same except i don’t go to work.

  6. A little bit of workout, then going for a walk before I head towards work while drinking ice coffee with protein powder.

  7. Take a leak, take thyroid meds, pray the Liturgy of the Hours (Office of Readings followed by morning prayer “Laudes”), get dressed, shave, eat breakfast and, depending on what day it is, check the Missal app to check the readings for Mass then hop on the bicycle to go to church to get everything ready for Mass.

  8. Wake up at 5:00, throw on a pair of shorts and head out to my home gym, do some core work and then go for a run. After my run I lift for about 30 or 40 minutes, then eat breakfast (oatmeal, coffee and OJ) then shower and get ready for work and head out the door to drive to work around 7:15

  9. On phone for half an hour, then get up, brush teeth, have vitamins, make myself an electrolyte drink, get dressed, make bed, leave for work.

  10. Jelq, facial care, metabolism pills, maca root n whatever extract pills that’s good for testosterone. I take care n condition myself from head to toe that’s how I get laid.

  11. If it’s a work day I get pissed off and down a energy drink and quick breakfast and curse how much I can’t wait to separate the military. Off day I slam pre workout/creatine shower gym and hopefully see my girl later that day.

  12. Wake up, pee, shower. If it’s a school day, I *might* get to finish my shower before the younger kids wake up and barge into the bathroom.

    If I want to do anything like skincare, or shaving, or whatever, I have to get up earlier than usual. My goal – for “someday” – is to wake up earlier two or three days a week and lift weights, or go for a walk, or workout. Someday it’ll happen.

    After the shower, it’s coffee time. If it’s a school day, my fiance is in charge of breakfast and making lunches, which used to be my job but we switched things up. Now, I’m in charge of waking up the teenager, which requires time and patience.

    Then I have more coffee.

  13. On a free day: Wake up around 7:30AM, put on some socks and basketball sneakers. Grab my earphones, keys, phone, and basketball. Take a walk to find a decent court, and get at least 100 shots up.

    On a work day: Wake up around 6:20AM and just stare at the ceiling wondering what the fuck I’m doing. Around 6:50AM, grab some clean clothes and my bath towel. Get a shower, then brush my teeth, then get dressed, then leave around 7:20AM for work.

  14. Wake up around 6:30, toss on my clothes from the day before, turn on the coffee pot, take dog outside to pee, come back in, pour a cup of coffee and drink it while scrolling on my phone for 15-30 minutes, shit, shave, brush teeth, shower, get dressed, refill my coffee and drink it outside while dog poops, back inside, quick straightening / pickup of the house. By this point it is about 7:45-8:00 and I get started with whatever I have planned for the day.

  15. Alarm goes off at 7, I snooze till 7:45. I roll out of bed, so bathroom stuff, throw on comfy clothes, grab a cup of coffee and start work from home at 8

  16. Coffee, meds, brush teeth, deodorant, comb hair, get dressed, find phone/wallet/keys, and go.

  17. Wake up, walk to the computer and turn it on, while booting up, I use the bathroom, sign on, get dressed, get water.

  18. The dog wakes me up and I immediately let him out for his morning routine. (Adding a door to my bedroom, leading to the backyard, was a very smart decision.) Then I go into the bathroom where I pee and brush my teeth. Still in my underwear, plus a shirt or a hoodie, I go into the kitchen for meds, vitamins, and coffee. If the weather’s warm I’ll drink my coffee out on the back deck. Eventually, I’ll take a shower and get dressed.

  19. I like to start with a nice cup of coffee, to prepare me for my morning doubleshot of espresso, followed by a 3 gram line of coke and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Fiber is important.

  20. 6am up. Brush with no toothpaste cause pills and then coffee are next. Don’t want shitty toothpaste taste. Coffee and sit at the PC, check messages from my sons over the evening, check the gaming group for issues I need to think about. 6:20 take the morning dump. :25 out the door for a walk with the dog. Back at :40ish, feed him, dress for work, grab whatever is needed for breakfast and lunch and out the door by :55ish and to work by 7ish

  21. 5 am up.
    Brush teeth, wash face, gym clothes.
    Work out till 6ish (Have a full gym at home)
    Shower, dress, light breakfast.
    Sometimes get to the office by just before 8. Other times work from home.

  22. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

  23. My wife wakes me up by sucking my dick every morning. I know that sounds like I’m making it up, but it’s the honest truth. I hate waking up in the morning, and she figured out many years ago that my morning mood is greatly improved if she starts my day by sucking my dick.

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