Hey everyone. Me and my bf have been together a month or so now. I’m super happy although our friends are having a “I told you so” moment because they’ve been saying for like 2 years we’d eventually end up dating. Everything has been great but my sex drive seems to be much lower than his. I’m a 1 or 2 times a week type person and he wants to do it that much every day. Do you think this is just excitement about a new relationship or is this going to be a bigger problem for us

  1. I’m the same way. Us men would fuck 10 times a day if time/personal obligations weren’t a thing. Maybe just send him some flirty texts and pics of u (something to hold him off) until the next time he sees you. That will build the excitement and tension and the next time you fuck it will be that much better.

  2. I been with my wife for going on 14 years if I had it my way we would be fucking multiple times a day at the very minimum daily.

  3. He’s 25. I don’t know what you expected. It’s pretty normal for men in their 20s to have extremely high libidos. And it doesn’t start to slow down until their 40s. This is *the* most typical outcome.

  4. You’ll be ok. For context when me and my wife met she was 24 and I was 30. She wanted and got it nearly everyday. Now I’m 43 and the roles have reversed. I’d gladly do something everyday and she’s happy with once or twice a week.

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